The CNMS Nanofabrication Research Laboratory comprises 10,000 ft2 of class 100/1000 clean room space housing several best-in-class lithographic, etching, thin-film deposition, and characterization tools.
Process Design
- Assistance with design of process flow to implement users’ device concepts using the facilities housed in the CNMS Nanofabrication Research Laboratory.
Signature Facilities
NEW! Raith Velion
JEOL 9300FS 100kV Electron Beam Lithography System
FEI Novalab 600 Dual-Beam (electron/ion) System
Nanoscribe Pro GT laser lithography system for 3D Direct-Write Fabrication
First Nano Rapid Thermal Processor (RTP)
Oxford FlexAl Atomic Layer Deposition
Zeiss Orion NanoFab for Helium-ion Milling, Microscopy, Chemical Imaging
Oxford Plasmalab System 100 PECVD
Oxford Plasmalab 100 RIE/ICP Etcher with Chlorine, Fluorine and Cryogenic Processes
Wyko NT9800 Optical Profilometer
Suss MicroTech Contact Aligner
General Cleanroom Tools
- Heidelberg DWL 66 Direct-Write Lithography Tool primarily used for the production of contact lithographic masks used with the Suss Microtech Contact Aligner, but can also be used for direct-write and grayscale lithographies. Three writing heads are available to allow both rapid mask production and high resolution. Features as small as 600 nm have been reproduced using contact lithography. Contact Nick Lavrik
- Veeco Atomic Force Microscope for the characterization of nanoscale structures and patterns including nanopatterned monolayers and thin films.
- EDAX energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
Attached to the FEI Novalab 600 Dual-Beam System this characterization tool facilitates elemental mapping of nonplanar samples. - Rame-Hart model 590 automated goniometer quantifies changes in surface energy and wettability, providing essential measurement capabilities for preparing surfaces for use in microfluidic experiments.