The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has named five researchers as ORNL Corporate Fellows in recognition of their significant career accomplishments and continued leadership.
The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has named five researchers as ORNL Corporate Fellows in recognition of their significant career accomplishments and continued leadership.
ORNL researchers Valentino Cooper, Howard Wilson and Jiaqiang Yan have been named Fellows of the American Physical Society, a distinction recognizing their outstanding contributions to their fields.
ORNL researchers Zhili Feng and Jian Chen in the Materials Science and Technology Division at the ORNL, will receive the Elmer L. Hann Award at the Society of Naval Architects and Maritime Engineers Convention.
Yiyu (Jason) Wang, an R&D associate staff member in the Materials Science Division at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will receive the Professor Koichi Masubuchi Award from the American Welding Society, or AWS.
Hu Miao, a researcher at ORNL, has been selected as an Outstanding Referee by the American Physical Society in recognition of his exceptional service in assessing manuscripts for publication in the society’s journals.
Anne Campbell, a researcher at ORNL, recently won the Young Leaders Professional Development Award from the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, or TMS, and has been chosen as the first recipient of the Young Leaders International Scholar Program a
Michael McGuire’s recognition as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's top scientist headlined the annual awards.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, or TMS, has chosen ORNL's Anne Campbell to receive its Structural Materials Division Young Leaders Professional Development Award.
Takaaki Koyanagi, an R&D staff member in the Materials Science and Technology Division of ORNL, has received the TMS Frontiers of Materials award.
Since its inception in 2010, the program bolsters national scientific discovery by supporting early career researchers in fields pertaining to the Office of Science.