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Materials Theory, Modeling and Simulation


To unravel the mysteries of materials at all scales, from quantum phenomena to microstructure, empowering the design of revolutionary materials and processes for an abundant and affordable energy future


To conduct fundamental research in microstructure modeling, quantum materials and information sciences, and materials design and discovery to achieve a deeper understanding of materials and processes to accelerate their development for real-world applications

This section encompasses the following research groups:

Materials Theory Group — Advances the understanding of materials properties, especially strongly correlated materials, to design new materials with complex and emergent functionalities by application and development of theoretical and computational approaches.

Microstructural Evolution Modeling Group — Develops and applies advanced materials models to understand microstructural evolution during solidification and processing.

R&D Scope 

The Materials Theory, Modeling and Simulation Section applies advanced computational and data analytic techniques to guide the synthesis, design, and discovery of novel materials from the level of atoms to the level of materials microstructure. Overarching basic and applied scientific themes seek to understand and control emergent phenomena, design and develop structural materials, and simulate out-of-equilibrium and under-extreme-environment conditions. Signature capabilities include: groundstate electronic structure calculations, quantum many-body theories, thermodynamic phase diagrams, additive process modeling, and ion dynamics. 


Distinguished R&D Staff Member and Section Head, Materials Theory, Modeling and Simulation
Valentino R. Cooper