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Industry Resources

ORNL welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with outside organizations—both big and small—to bring new technologies to market and increase US competitiveness. ESTD researchers are heavily focused on applied research and technologies and draw upon the broad strengths of the lab in materials, neutrons, and computational sciences to deliver and demonstrate results. This depth of expertise across both foundational and applied research areas is a differentiator for industry partners seeking solutions to R&D challenges. 

There are a number of avenues industry can take to partner with ORNL, including cooperative research and development agreements (CRADA), user agreements, strategic partnership projects, and more. Contact the ORNL Partnerships Office to be connected with the appropriate person. 

Technical Collaboration Programs

Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s broad range of partnerships allows us to pair our strengths with others for outstanding contributions to science while providing economic benefit across the United States. We devote leading-edge expertise, world-class user facilities, and strategic research to delivering the scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs needed to answer the world’s most difficult and urgent challenges. Find out more at