Event Contacts | Brad Rearden, 865-574-6085; reardenb@ornl.gov |
Germina Ilas, 865-241-4672; ilasg@ornl.gov |
Matt Jessee, 865-241-1503; jesseema@ornl.gov |
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 |
Plenary Session Session Chair(s): Brad Rearden & Germina Ilas |
Topic | Speaker |
Introduction to the SCALE Code System | Brad Rearden, Manager, SCALE Code System, ORNL |
SCALE and the NRC: Past, Present, and Future | Drew Barto, Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
Balancing the SCALE for 30 Years | Larry Wetzel, BWXT |
Fulcrum User Interface Highlights | Rob Lefebvre, ORNL |
Accuracy and Runtime Improvements in SCALE 6.2 | Matt Jessee, ORNL |
Uncertainty in Anything: The Future with SCALE/Sampler | Will Wieselquist, ORNL |
CyBORG: Employing the ORIGEN API in a Fuel Cycle Simulator | Steve Skutnik, University of Tennessee |
Shielding Capabilities in SCALE 6.2 | Douglas Peplow, ORNL |
NRC Shielding Analysis for Spent Fuel Transportation and Storage | Michel Call, Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
The REGAL Programme: Technical Details & SCALE Assessment | Kevin Govers, SCK-CEN, Belgium |
Sensitivity to Nuclear Data in a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor | Fred Adams, CNL, Canada |
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 |
Criticality Safety Session Chair: Doug Bowen |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
Only the Best Models are in VALID | B. J. Marshall, ORNL |
Criticality Safety Validation of SCALE 6.2 | B. J. Marshall, ORNL |
BWR Burnup Credit | Brian Ade, ORNL |
An Overview of New Monte Carlo Capabilities in SCALE | Greg Davidson, ORNL |
Shift Verification and Validation Efforts | Tara Pandya, ORNL |
Depletion Applications for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel | Dale Lancaster, NuclearConsultants.com |
Depletion and Source Terms Session Chair: William Wieselquist |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
Overview of Changes to the ORIGEN Family of Codes from 6.1 to 6.2 | Will Wieselquist, ORNL |
Using ORGEN to Help Probe Gamma-Ray Burst Mysteries | Robert Hayes, North Carolina State University |
Examples of SCALE Uses at Studsvik Sweden | Jitka Zakova, Studsvik Nuclear AB, Sweden |
COUPLE/ORIGEN Cross Section Generation for Reactor Physics Applications | Josh Peterson-Droogh, ORNL |
High-Fidelity Modeling of Spent Fuel Assemblies for Advanced NDA Instrument Testing | Jianwei Hu, ORNL |
Decay Heat Uncertainty due to Modeling and Nuclear Data Uncertainties | Germina Ilas, ORNL |
Nuclear Data Session Chair: Cihangir Celik |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
Multigroup Data Libraries for SCALE Applications | Mark Williams, ORNL |
Introduction to AMPX | Doro Wiarda, ORNL |
SCALE Multi-Group Libraries for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors | Friederike Bostelmann, Germany (Presenter: Brad Rearden, ORNL) |
How to Generate Your Own Covariance Library | Doro Wiarda, ORNL |
Getting Started with SCALE - Installation and Updates | Rob Lefebvre, ORNL |
Working Lunch Panel Moderator: Brad Rearden, ORNL, Manager, SCALE Code System, 2009 - Present |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
The Heritage of the SCALE Code System | Mike Westfall, ORNL (ret.), Originator of SCALE, 1976 |
Lester Petrie, ORNL (ret.) - Principal developer and architect of SCALE, 1976-2016 |
Cecil Parks, ORNL - SCALE Project Leader, 1979-1994 |
Steve Bowman, ORNL - SCALE Project Leader, 1995-2009 |
Radiation Shielding Session Chair: Douglas Peplow |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
SCALE Criticality and Shielding Analysis using UNF-ST&NDARDS | Kaushik Banerjee, ORNL |
SCALE Input Preparation Using Template Engine | Henrik Liljenfeldt, ORNL |
MAVRIC/Monaco Neutron Activation Simulations with Critical Sources | Thomas Miller, ORNL |
Experience in Using MAVRIC for Shielding Analysis at the Nuclear Safety Council | Jorge Peña Gutiérrez, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Spain |
MAVRIC Shielding Analyses of SNF Transportation and Dry Storage Casks | Georgeta Radulescu, ORNL |
Using SCALE for Radiation Transport Simulations to Determine Radiation Environment in I2S-LWR | Tim Flaspoehler, Georgia Tech |
Reactor Physics Session Chair: Steve Bowman |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
SCALE 6.2 Reactor Physics Capabilities | Matthew Jessee, ORNL |
Overview of GENPMAXS/PARCS Capabilities Utilizing SCALE Cross Sections | Andy Ward, University of Michigan |
Recent Progress in Validating POLARIS for US NRC Use | Peter Yarsky, NRC |
Are SCALE Lattice Codes Perfect Enough? | Ugur Mertyurek, ORNL |
SCALE Lattice Physics Applications to 3D Nodal Diffusion Simulations with NESTLE | Ivan Maldonado, University of Tennessee |
Molten Salt Reactor Neutronics Tools in SCALE | Jeff Powers, ORNL |
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Session Chair: Mark Williams |
Presentation Title | Speaker |
SCALE 6.2 TSUNAMI Overview | Chris Perfetti, ORNL |
Evaluation of ENDF/B-VIII Covariance Data | B.J. Marshall, ORNL |
Optimizing HFIR Isotope Production Through a Sensitivity-Informed Target Design Process | Susan Hogle, ORNL |
Converting SCALE Cross Section Files to NEMTAB Format for Full-Core Nodal Diffusion Uncertainty Analysis | Alvaro Bernal Garcia, Universitat Politécnica València, Spain |
Application of Sampler to the UAM Benchmark | Will Wieselquist, ORNL |
Implementation of Resonance Parameter Sensitivity Coefficients Calculation in CE TSUNAMI-3D | Vlad Sobes, ORNL |
Uncertainty Analysis on LWR and HTGR Core Modeling Using SCALE Tools | Jason Hou, North Carolina State University |