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2017 SCALE Users' Group Workshop


Event Contacts

Brad Rearden, 865-574-6085;

Germina Ilas, 865-241-4672;

Matt Jessee, 865-241-1503;


Tuesday, September 26, 2017


                                                                    Plenary Session                                                              Session Chair(s): Brad Rearden & Germina Ilas



Introduction to the SCALE Code System

Brad Rearden, Manager, SCALE Code System, ORNL

SCALE and the NRC: Past, Present, and Future

Drew Barto, Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Balancing the SCALE for 30 Years

Larry Wetzel, BWXT

Fulcrum User Interface Highlights

Rob Lefebvre, ORNL

Accuracy and Runtime Improvements in SCALE 6.2

Matt Jessee, ORNL

Uncertainty in Anything: The Future with SCALE/Sampler

Will Wieselquist, ORNL

CyBORG: Employing the ORIGEN API in a Fuel Cycle Simulator

Steve Skutnik, University of Tennessee

Shielding Capabilities in SCALE 6.2

Douglas Peplow, ORNL

NRC Shielding Analysis for Spent Fuel Transportation and Storage

Michel Call, Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The REGAL Programme: Technical Details & SCALE Assessment

Kevin Govers, SCK-CEN, Belgium

Sensitivity to Nuclear Data in a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor

Fred Adams, CNL, Canada


Wednesday, September 27, 2017


                                                               Criticality Safety                                                                         Session Chair: Doug Bowen

Presentation Title


Only the Best Models are in VALID

B. J. Marshall, ORNL

Criticality Safety Validation of SCALE 6.2

B. J. Marshall, ORNL

BWR Burnup Credit

Brian Ade, ORNL

An Overview of New Monte Carlo Capabilities in SCALE

Greg Davidson, ORNL

Shift Verification and Validation Efforts

Tara Pandya, ORNL

Depletion Applications for Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel

Dale Lancaster,


                                                       Depletion and Source Terms                                                                 Session Chair: William Wieselquist

Presentation Title


Overview of Changes to the ORIGEN Family of Codes from 6.1 to 6.2

Will Wieselquist, ORNL

Using ORGEN to Help Probe Gamma-Ray Burst Mysteries

Robert Hayes, North Carolina State University

Examples of SCALE Uses at Studsvik Sweden

Jitka Zakova, Studsvik Nuclear AB, Sweden

COUPLE/ORIGEN Cross Section Generation for Reactor Physics Applications

Josh Peterson-Droogh, ORNL

High-Fidelity Modeling of Spent Fuel Assemblies for Advanced NDA Instrument Testing

Jianwei Hu, ORNL

Decay Heat Uncertainty due to Modeling and Nuclear Data Uncertainties

Germina Ilas, ORNL


                                                                Nuclear Data                                                                                 Session Chair: Cihangir Celik

Presentation Title


Multigroup Data Libraries for SCALE Applications

Mark Williams, ORNL

Introduction to AMPX

Doro Wiarda, ORNL

SCALE Multi-Group Libraries for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

Friederike Bostelmann, Germany (Presenter: Brad Rearden, ORNL)

How to Generate Your Own Covariance Library

Doro Wiarda, ORNL

Getting Started with SCALE - Installation and Updates

Rob Lefebvre, ORNL


                                                          Working Lunch Panel                                                                                                                 Moderator: Brad Rearden, ORNL, Manager,                                                                                                    SCALE Code System, 2009 - Present                                                                                                                                                                 

Presentation Title


The Heritage of the SCALE Code System

Mike Westfall, ORNL (ret.), Originator of SCALE, 1976

Lester Petrie, ORNL (ret.) - Principal developer and architect of SCALE, 1976-2016

Cecil Parks, ORNL - SCALE Project Leader,         1979-1994

Steve Bowman, ORNL - SCALE Project Leader,    1995-2009


                                                                Radiation Shielding                                                                       Session Chair: Douglas Peplow

Presentation Title


SCALE Criticality and Shielding Analysis using UNF-ST&NDARDS

Kaushik Banerjee, ORNL

SCALE Input Preparation Using Template Engine

Henrik Liljenfeldt, ORNL

MAVRIC/Monaco Neutron Activation Simulations with Critical Sources

Thomas Miller, ORNL

Experience in Using MAVRIC for Shielding Analysis at the Nuclear Safety Council

Jorge Peña Gutiérrez, Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, Spain

MAVRIC Shielding Analyses of SNF Transportation and Dry Storage Casks

Georgeta Radulescu, ORNL

Using SCALE for Radiation Transport Simulations to Determine Radiation Environment in I2S-LWR

Tim Flaspoehler, Georgia Tech


                                                                Reactor Physics                                                                           Session Chair: Steve Bowman

Presentation Title


SCALE 6.2 Reactor Physics Capabilities

Matthew Jessee, ORNL

Overview of GENPMAXS/PARCS Capabilities Utilizing SCALE Cross Sections

Andy Ward, University of Michigan

Recent Progress in Validating POLARIS for US NRC Use

Peter Yarsky, NRC

Are SCALE Lattice Codes Perfect Enough?

Ugur Mertyurek, ORNL

SCALE Lattice Physics Applications to 3D Nodal Diffusion Simulations with NESTLE

Ivan Maldonado, University of Tennessee

Molten Salt Reactor Neutronics Tools in SCALE

Jeff Powers, ORNL


                                                 Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis                                                      Session Chair: Mark Williams

Presentation Title


SCALE 6.2 TSUNAMI Overview

Chris Perfetti, ORNL

Evaluation of ENDF/B-VIII Covariance Data

B.J. Marshall, ORNL

Optimizing HFIR Isotope Production Through a Sensitivity-Informed Target Design Process

Susan Hogle, ORNL

Converting SCALE Cross Section Files to NEMTAB Format for Full-Core Nodal Diffusion Uncertainty Analysis

Alvaro Bernal Garcia, Universitat Politécnica València, Spain

Application of Sampler to the UAM Benchmark

Will Wieselquist, ORNL

Implementation of Resonance Parameter Sensitivity Coefficients Calculation in CE TSUNAMI-3D

Vlad Sobes, ORNL

Uncertainty Analysis on LWR and HTGR Core Modeling Using SCALE Tools

Jason Hou, North Carolina State University

Tutorial Sessions

ORIGAMI Spent Fuel Characterization

TSUNAMI Sensitivity/Uncertainty Analysis

Polaris Lattice Physics Calculations

Sampler Uncertainty Quantification