The SCALE team is currently maintaining the 6.3 production release while developing SCALE 7.0. More information about specific releases can be obtained via the links below.
Production Releases (6.3 series)
The SCALE 6.3 series is distributed through RSICC (
- Current v6.3.2 []
- v6.3.1 []
- v6.3.0 []
RSICC distributes site-specific, single-user licenses based on a detailed usage statement. To be eligible for SCALE 7.0 beta testing, a source license is required. By default, RSICC distributes an executable-only license. An example usage statement (including source access justification necessary for SCALE 7 beta testing) is as follows:
I, <insert name here>, will use SCALE at <insert company/institution here>, to evaluate <insert main near-term use>. In addition, as part of my job, I may be required to use SCALE to model aspects of criticality safety, radiation shielding, radionuclide inventory, or reactor physics for fission and fusion energy systems, radioactive sources, fresh and spent fuel transportation packages, nuclear fuel fabrication facilities, and isotope production. I will additionally require access to source for three reasons: 1) to assess the source code for security vulnerabilities and potentially deploy a local fix if needed, 2) to perform source verification of implemented methods, 3) to create parallel MPI installations on specific hardware.
Beta Releases (v7.0 series)
External beta testing is not yet available, but when it is, you will need a source license for SCALE 6.3 from RSICC. Therefore, if you intend to beta test, please be sure to obtain a source license as RSICC distributes executable-only licenses by default.