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Research Highlight

3D-Printed Carbon Nanoelectrodes for In Vivo Neurotransmitter Sensing

3D-Printed Carbon Nanoelectrodes for In Vivo Neurotransmitter Sensing
(a) SEM image of 3D printed carbon nanoelectrode. (b) Nanotip is polished to disk shape by focused ion beam. (c) Electrochemical detection of dopamine release in adult fly brain with 3D-printed nanoelectrode. (d) Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry response of stimulated dopamine in fly brain

Scientific Achievement

Carbon nanoelectrodes were successfully fabricated by direct laser writing, enabling neurotransmitter detection in tiny biological organisms or synapses.

Significance and Impact

The 3D printing strategy allows for the design of customizable free-standing carbon electrodes with nanotips (nanoelectrode sensors).

Research Details

– Freestanding carbon nanoelectrodes were fabricated by direct laser writing. – 3D printed nanoelectrodes were insulated by thin layer of alumina and then polished to disk-shape by focused ion beam. – Dopamine release in a tiny fruit fly brain was detected by the nanoelectrode.   Q. Cao, M. Shin, N. V. Lavrik, and B. J. Venton, "3-D Printed Carbon Nanoelectrodes for In Vivo Neurotransmitter Sensing," Nano Lett. 20, 6831-6836 (2020).  DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02844