For his seminal work on elucidating key molecular-scale mechanisms that govern biogeochemical transformation of contaminants, trace metals, and natural organic matter, which has made significant contributions to the understanding of natural organic and metal cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and remediation of contaminated sites, and also for his contributions to the development of the next generation of scientists and engineers.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For pioneering advances in the field of materials chemistry for the design, synthesis and fabrication of new materials and their translation into new energy technologies, including superconductor wires, electrodes for batteries, solar cells, lithium extraction from geothermal brine and additive manufacturing of magnets, and also for his leadership in developing the next generation of scientists and engineers.
Since 2001, Mike Simpson has been a group leader for the Nanofabrication Research Laboratory and theme leader in the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences. His research focus includes noise biology, nano-enabled synthetic biology and controlled synthesis and directed assembly of carbon nanostructures.
Jerry is recognized for distinguished research on the genetic basis of tree growth and development, including leading the international efforts to sequence, assemble, and annotate the genomes of poplar and eucalyptus bioenergy feedstocks.
For his internationally recognized accomplishments in high-energy physics, radiation transport, and detector and neutron target research and development.
For significant contributions and leadership in the processing and properties of materials, particularly intermetallic alloys, which have led to his reputation as one of the world's leading scientists in these areas.
For distinguished research on the air/surface exchange of atmospheric trace gases and particles and their interactions with the Earth's biogeochemical cycles, and for pioneering developments in atmospheric sampling methodologies with special emphasis on the global mercury cycle.
For pioneering research in ecosystem theory, ecological modeling, error analysis, hierarchy theory, and landscape ecology and for the development of basic applications in risk assessment and regional environmental analysis.
For development of Z-contrast microscopy, which allows the direct imaging of materials at the atomic scale.
For distinguished research in the field of risk assessment, including pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models, interspecies extrapolation, and human exposure to dioxin and other background contaminants, and for significant contributions to environmental policy through pioneering investigations of the effectiveness of remediation technologies and through service on national and international advisory panels and boards