For his seminal work on elucidating key molecular-scale mechanisms that govern biogeochemical transformation of contaminants, trace metals, and natural organic matter, which has made significant contributions to the understanding of natural organic and metal cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and remediation of contaminated sites, and also for his contributions to the development of the next generation of scientists and engineers.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For her leadership in the research and development of thin-film energy-storage systems; for advancing the understanding of the architectures, materials, and in-service dynamics of thin-film and 3D batteries; and for her leadership in the development of the lipon electrolyte.
For his extensive contributions to large-scale and high-speed advanced manufacturing and 3-D printing; for blending additive manufacturing with fluid-powered systems to develop lightweight, high-dexterity, and low-cost prosthetics; and for his tireless mentoring of students at all levels in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Since 2001, Mike Simpson has been a group leader for the Nanofabrication Research Laboratory and theme leader in the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences. His research focus includes noise biology, nano-enabled synthetic biology and controlled synthesis and directed assembly of carbon nanostructures.
For outstanding scientific leadership in nuclear physics and foundational work in developing and applying nuclear density functional theory to atomic nuclei
For outstanding leadership and pioneering research in climate and the environmental sciences
For pioneering research in disturbance and landscape ecology and in modeling of land-use change with its implications for global changes, which have influenced environmental decision making on a worldwide scale.
For forefront studies of the fundamental science of actinide elements, through mendelevium, which employ novel experimental techniques, make systematic comparisons, and emphasize the role of the elements' electronic configurations.
For research leading to the development of new materials and to the solution of a wide range of fundamental and applied problems in solid-state science through the application of modern methods for the synthesis and characterization of ceramics, glasses, and alloys and the growth of single crystals.
For playing a substantial and lead role in developing and establishing the structural design methodology that is vital to safe and reliable nuclear power, including the development of high-temperature design analysis methods and code rules that are used worldwide.