For his role in conceiving, designing, and implementing novel geocomputational methods to help solve a wide variety of national and global problems in energy, the environment, and national security.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For pioneering studies of the functionality of mesoporous oxides and carbons for real-world applications, ionic liquids for chemical separation and materials synthesis, and catalysis by nanomaterials.
For research in the fields of astrophysics and supernova science.
For leadership and pioneering research in the fundamental effects of radiation on a broad range of metals and ceramics applicable to fission and fusion energy systems.
For pioneering research in disturbance and landscape ecology and in modeling of land-use change with its implications for global changes, which have influenced environmental decision making on a worldwide scale.
For internationally recognized contributions in distributed and cluster computing, including the development of the Parallel Virtual Machine and the Message Passing Interface standard now widely used in science to solve computational problems in biology, physics, chemistry, and materials science.
For international leadership in developing innovative therapeutic and diagnostic applications of radionuclides for nuclear medicine.
For pioneering research in ecosystem theory, ecological modeling, error analysis, hierarchy theory, and landscape ecology and for the development of basic applications in risk assessment and regional environmental analysis.
For significant advancement of welding science and technology through original and definitive research, particularly for contributions to understanding the solidification behavior of the weld pool, phase stability microstructure-property correlations in welds, and continued leadership and outstanding service to the national and international welding research community.