Making an Impact
Nanoscience is rapidly approaching the point where researchers will be able to build a nanoscale structure with atomic precision,
measure where each atom sits in its local environment, visualize what each atom is doing, and use theory and computation to
understand why each atom behaves in its specific way. They are now beginning to apply this expertise and information to create
materials with improved functions and properties.
Contributing to this progress, CNMS researchers have:
Built freestanding, three-dimensional metallic structures with features as small as a few nanometers, akin to nanoscale 3D printing of tiny designs, such as nanoscale antennas, cages for single cells, or connections for the smallest electronic circuits
Visualized magnetic properties at the atomic scale, taking the guesswork out of the design of new devices, especially
for electronics and sensors
Obtained chemical information at length scales ranging from single atoms to whole devices, revealing what nanomaterials are made of, what limits the performance of solar cells, or how batteries degrade
Applied high-performance computing to shed light on the meaning of data obtained using neutrons, photons, and electrons to provide a more complete understanding of structure, properties, and behavior, enabling the development of materials for future applications and products
Designed nanoscale materials including new polymers for solar energy harvesting, catalysts for converting carbon dioxide to liquid fuels, and ionic conductors for better batteries by combining theory, simulation, and precision techniques for imaging and synthesis