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The growing power of supercomputers continues to push the boundaries of our knowledge, whether we’re exploring the workings of the universe or looking for better ways to promote clean energy and human health.

Researchers including those at the DOE-supported Exascale Computing Project are preparin...

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ORNL researchers are a step closer to creating a facial image from a DNA sample, using a novel method that assesses facial scans and compares them to genetic markers.

The technology could improve identification at national borders and help local law enforcement identify crime suspects and unknown...

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While cameras are seemingly everywhere these days, identifying individuals using images is still a challenge. Traditional camera techniques are often complicated by poor lighting and unfocused scenes with fast-moving subjects.

Today, identity science is shifting toward scenarios in which individu...

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Despite being landlocked in the hills of East Tennessee, fast-attack submarine Lt. Eric Stromme of the U.S. Navy found himself engrossed in his work at ORNL.

During a one-year assignment at the lab, his most memorable project was a groundbreaking experiment that tested an engine made from an alum...

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Standing in his lab nearly two decades ago, carbon researcher James Klett used a pair of tweezers to press an ice chip against a chunk of newly created material he held in his palm. The dark grey material, looking much like a hardened sponge, whisked heat up from his warm palm and melted the ice.


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Soon after the dawn of nuclear science, scientists understood that exposure to ionizing radiation could be harmful, even if they were unsure how harmful. Marie Curie, the groundbreaking scientist who coined the term “radioactivity,” most likely died from its effects eight years before the Manhattan ...

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ORNL is proud of its role in fostering the next generation of scientists and engineers. We bring in talented young researchers, team them with accomplished scientists and engineers, and put them to work at the lab’s one-of-a-kind facilities. The result is research that makes us proud and prepares th...