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ORNL’s Secure, Trustworthy, and Energy-Efficient Artificial Intelligence Summer Institute

ORNL’s AI initiative is focused on secure, trustworthy, and energy-efficient AI to transform and advance the scientific, engineering, and national security missions of the laboratory. The Initiative utilizes translational AI to accelerate scientific discoveries and to model, optimize, and control complex engineered systems; to automate science workflows at experimental facilities; and to develop and advance the foundations of secure, trustworthy, and energy-efficient AI methods.

AI event

The Artificial Intelligence Summer Institute enables college juniors and seniors, as well as graduate students, to collaborate with ORNL scientists to solve problems of national interest; engage in educational and professional development opportunities; explore careers at national laboratories; and interact with and present their research to ORNL scientists. As part of the Summer Institute, students are organized into teams with diverse educational backgrounds and tasked with developing their skills in solving scientific challenges using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. They work alongside ORNL mentors who have expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning and/or domain sciences such as physics, materials, or biology and participate in an educational and professional development seminar series. Participants also take part in scientific communication exercises to prepare them for a career in scientific research, including oral and poster presentations and technical reports.

AI event

Students will receive specialized training in areas such as large language models, graph neural networks, operator learning, high-performance computing, and advanced AI hardware accelerators while collaborating with experts across the lab, academia, and industry. Additionally, ORNL mentors will assist projects with the  development and the integration of responsible AI practices, including uncertainty quantification, validation/verification, alignment, energy-efficient training, and bias evaluation (see the recent AI executive order here.).

Selection for the Summer Institute will be handled by ORNL’s Educational Programs office.

Reach out to Dan Lu and Prasanna Balaprakash for more information. 

To register, fill out the form here

View the full schedule here.

ORNL Mentors

Pablo Moriano
Research Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Anika Tabassum
Research Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Pei Zhang
Computational Scientist
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Zachary Fox
Research Scientist for AI in Health
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Keita Teranishi
Group Leader, Programming Systems
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Xiao Wang
Research Staff Scientist
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Rick Archibald
Group Leader, Data Analysis and Machine Learning Group
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Massimiliano Lupo Pasini
Data Scientist
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Ming Fan
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Siyan Liu
Research Scientist
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Pedro Valero Lara
Computer Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Tirthankar Ghosal
Research Scientist, HPC and AI
National Center for Computational Sciences
William Godoy
Senior Computer Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Wesley Brewer
Senior Research Scientist, HPC and AI
National Center for Computational Sciences
Isaac Lyngaas
Computational Scientist
National Center for Computational Sciences
Emilian Popov
Senior R&D Staff Member
Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division
Abhishek Potnis
Research Associate in Machine Learning
Geospatial Science and Human Security Division
Pum Kim
R&D Staff
Manufacturing Science Division
Xiao-Ying Yu
Group Lead, Advanced Nuclear Materials
Materials Science and Technology Division
Jong Youl Choi
HPC Data Research Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Joao Onofre Pereira Pinto
Research Professional, Power Electronics
Electrification and Energy Infrastructures Division
Dalton Lunga
Group Lead, Geo AI
Geospatial Science and Human Security Division
Xingang Zhao
R&D Associate Staff Member
Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division
Olivera Kotevska
Research Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Alina Peluso
Research Scientist in Biostatistics
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Heidi Hanson
Group Leader, Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Yuanpeng Zhang
Neutron Scattering Scientist
Neutron Scattering Division
Hilda Klasky
Senior R&D Staff
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Awais Khan
HPC Systems Scientist
National Center for Computational Sciences
Seung-Hwan Lim
Research Scientist
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Philipe Ambrozio Dias
R&D Associate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Geospatial Science and Human Security Division
David Rogers
Performance Engineer
National Center for Computational Sciences
Sujata Goswami
R&D Associate
Environmental Sciences Division
Soumendra Bhanja
Research Scientist
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Patxi Fernandez-Zelaia
R&D Associate Staff Member
Manufacturing Science Division
M. Paul Laiu
Staff Mathematician
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Laxman Nathawat
Environmental Informatics Software Engineer
Environmental Sciences Division