Massimiliano (Max) Lupo Pasini obtained his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Mathematical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy. The focus of his undergraduate and master studies was statistics and discretization techniques and reduction order models for partial differential equations. He obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics at Emory University in Atlanta (GA) in May 2018. The main topic of his doctorate work was the development of efficient and resilient linear solvers for upcoming computing architectures moving towards exascale. Upon graduation, Max joined the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as a Postdoctoral Researcher Associate in the Scientific Computing Group at the National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS).
In November 2019, Max became a computational scientist in the Scalable Algorithms and Coupled Physics Group in the Advanced Computing Methods for Engineered Systems Section of the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at ORNL. In November 2020, Max became a data scientist in the Computational Coupled Physics group within the same section.
Max’s research focuses on the development of surrogate and generative AI models for material sciences, scalable hyper parameter optimization techniques for deep learning (DL) models, and acceleration of computational methods for physics applications. He was the technical lead of the Surrogates Models for Material Properties product within the Artificial Intelligence for Science and Discovery (AISD) thrust of the ORNL Artificial Intelligence Initiative in the fiscal years FY21, FY22, and FY23. He is currently the interim technical lead of the AISD thrust for fiscal years FY24 and FY25.