Computational Coupled Physics
The Computational Coupled Physics group is a technically diverse group of engineers, material scientists, and applied mathematicians who share a common passion for developing, enabling and employing high-fidelity, physics-based simulation tools. The software applications and libraries we develop enable models of engineered systems to run at scales ranging from a laptop to the world’s largest supercomputers.
There are three main thrusts within the group: 1) The development and application of physics-based simulation tools, 2) the development and application libraries that enable performance-portability, and the 3) the development and application of physics-informed machine learning methods. The end goal of each of these thrust areas is to ensure our models are as fast and accurate as possible across a variety of computing architectures.
Key projects include modeling of advanced manufacturing processes through the Exascale Computing Project ExaAM project (, POC: Matt Bement) and our strong coordination with the ORNL Manufacturing Demonstration Facility and its Digital Factory effort (group POC: Matt Rolchigo), the Kokkos performance portability library (, POC: Damien Lebrun-Grandie), the ArborX geometric search library (, POC: Andrey Prokopenko) , and advanced surrogate modeling through the ORNL AI Initiative (, group POC: Massimiliano Lupo Pasini).