For environmental-effects research related to energy technologies and their use, focusing on the impacts of climate and atmospheric changes on the physiology, growth, and biogeochemical cycles of North American forest ecosystems.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For pioneering research and development of new materials for advanced energy technologies, including materials for (a) the storage of nuclear waste, (b) the solid-state generation of electrical power directly from heat, and (c) the lossless transport of electricity.
For outstanding scientific, programmatic, and institutional contributions to ORNL in advanced computational structural mechanics and nuclear safety technologies.
For pioneering the application of chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics to energy technologies, including gas-fluidized beds, internal combustion engines, and pulsed combustion.
For pioneering research and distinguished contributions to the field of high-temperature superconductors, including fundamental materials science advances and technical innovations that enable commercialization.
For his leadership in light-water reactor development, reactor safety, and the disposition of uranium waste.
For contributions to high-performance networking and multiple-sensor fusion and for developing a unifying theory of information fusion.
For his internationally recognized accomplishments in high-energy physics, radiation transport, and detector and neutron target research and development.
For significant contributions and leadership in the processing and properties of materials, particularly intermetallic alloys, which have led to his reputation as one of the world's leading scientists in these areas.
For research leading to the development of new materials and to the solution of a wide range of fundamental and applied problems in solid-state science through the application of modern methods for the synthesis and characterization of ceramics, glasses, and alloys and the growth of single crystals.