For leadership and pioneering research in the fundamental effects of radiation on a broad range of metals and ceramics applicable to fission and fusion energy systems.
For fundamental investigations of the structure and dynamics of materials using X-ray diffraction, including pioneering nanosecond resolution X-ray studies and the development of three-dimensional X-ray structural microscopy with submicron resolution.
For the development of advanced X-ray focusing and microfocusing optics and three-dimensional X-ray microscopy, and for pioneering research on the atomic and mesoscale structure of materials.
For pioneering research in disturbance and landscape ecology and in modeling of land-use change with its implications for global changes, which have influenced environmental decision making on a worldwide scale.
For distinguished research on the air/surface exchange of atmospheric trace gases and particles and their interactions with the Earth's biogeochemical cycles, and for pioneering developments in atmospheric sampling methodologies with special emphasis on the global mercury cycle.
For theoretical research on the electronic and vibronic structures and optical properties of defects in ionic crystals, and for work at the forefront of the rapidly developing field of laser annealing of semiconductors, leading to advances in the photovoltaic conversion of solar energy.
For contributions to nuclear data measurement, analysis, and applications, through determination and development of neutron-induced reaction cross sections, high-resolution neutron scattering, the nonlocal nuclear optical model, and uncertainty and covariance information