For his seminal work on elucidating key molecular-scale mechanisms that govern biogeochemical transformation of contaminants, trace metals, and natural organic matter, which has made significant contributions to the understanding of natural organic and metal cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and remediation of contaminated sites, and also for his contributions to the development of the next generation of scientists and engineers.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For pioneering the application of chaos theory and nonlinear dynamics to energy technologies, including gas-fluidized beds, internal combustion engines, and pulsed combustion.
For pioneering research and distinguished contributions to the field of high-temperature superconductors, including fundamental materials science advances and technical innovations that enable commercialization.
For his pioneering contributions to the study of nonequilibrium systems, quantum magnetism, and excitations in condensed matter.
For playing a substantial and lead role in developing and establishing the structural design methodology that is vital to safe and reliable nuclear power, including the development of high-temperature design analysis methods and code rules that are used worldwide.
For applying molecular beam techniques to study chemically reactive collisions, helping to lay the foundation for the present field of chemical dynamics, and for pioneering studies in accelerator-based atomic physics, ion-solid interactions, and the channeling of ions, electrons and positrons in crystalline solids.
For advances in protein structure and enzyme mechanisms by use of affinity labeling and site-directed mutagenesis.
For discoveries of fundamental importance in mammalian genetics, as well as for studies of genetic and developmental effects in mice, which have provided a broad basis for assessment of the genetic risk to humans from radiation and chemicals, including the development of genetic and early developmental tests now used worldwide.
For theoretical research on the electronic and vibronic structures and optical properties of defects in ionic crystals, and for work at the forefront of the rapidly developing field of laser annealing of semiconductors, leading to advances in the photovoltaic conversion of solar energy.
For contributions to nuclear data measurement, analysis, and applications, through determination and development of neutron-induced reaction cross sections, high-resolution neutron scattering, the nonlocal nuclear optical model, and uncertainty and covariance information