For pioneering advances in the field of materials chemistry for the design, synthesis and fabrication of new materials and their translation into new energy technologies, including superconductor wires, electrodes for batteries, solar cells, lithium extraction from geothermal brine and additive manufacturing of magnets, and also for his leadership in developing the next generation of scientists and engineers.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For his leadership in separations science and technology; for improving nuclear fuel recycling and waste removal; and for leading the development process that was instrumental in the cleanup of waste at the Savannah River Site.
Jerry is recognized for distinguished research on the genetic basis of tree growth and development, including leading the international efforts to sequence, assemble, and annotate the genomes of poplar and eucalyptus bioenergy feedstocks.
For internationally recognized contributions in distributed and cluster computing, including the development of the Parallel Virtual Machine and the Message Passing Interface standard now widely used in science to solve computational problems in biology, physics, chemistry, and materials science.
For experimental studies in atomic and molecular physics, particularly developments in the field of nonlinear laser spectroscopy and the physics of negative ions
Mook has conducted neutron scattering research on a broad spectrum of materials. He is best known for his pioneering research on the magnetic excitations of transition metal ferromagnets and the observation of itinerant electron effects in these materials.
For his internationally recognized work in the theory of alloys and his pioneering applications of massively parallel computing to first-principles calculations of the properties of materials.
For innovative and fundamental contributions to the understanding of the interactions and transport of electrons in gases and liquids, negative ion processes, the interfacing of the gaseous and condensed phases of matter, and the use of fundamental knowledge in the development of gaseous dielectrics, radiation detectors, and pulsed power
For fundamental studies in radiation physics, radiation dosimetry, and surface physics and for pioneering theoretical work on collective electron modes, surface electromagnetic waves in solids, and elucidation of the interaction of charged particles with matter.
For application of chemical and engineering principles to the development of nuclear fuel processing; separation science and technology; and innovative biomedical and bioprocessing concepts for environmental protection, energy production and conservation, and resource recovery