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G Malcolm Stocks

G Malcolm Stocks

Corporate Fellow | 1995

Materials Science and Technology Division

Malcolm Stocks holds a Ph.D. degree in condensed matter physics from Sheffield University. Prior to joining ORNL in 1976, he was a lecturer at the University of Bristol, U.K., from 1972 to 1976. His research interests include materials science, high-performance heterogeneous scientific computing, and the development of scalable first-principles electronic structure algorithms and parallel algorithms. Stocks is currently in the 
Materials Theory Group.

He has published more than 200 papers in materials science, high-performance computing, and parallel processing and has edited four books. He has also won several high-performance computing awards, including the Gordon Bell Prize, the Cray Research Award, and a High-Performance Computing Challenge Award.

Stocks is internationally known for his work on the theory of metallic alloys. He developed a quantum mechanical method for calculating the electronic structure and properties of disordered alloys. This theory subsequently was used by Stocks and his collaborators as the basis for developing theories of alloy phase stability and the magnetic phase transitions in metals. Recently, he has been heavily involved in developing new methods for applying the computational power of parallel Intel Paragon supercomputers at ORNL's Center for Computational Science.

Stocks is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a member of ASM International, the Materials Research Society, and the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (formerly the Metals Society). He has received a Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., award for outstanding research and has twice been presented a U.S. Department of Energy award for outstanding sustained research.

Dr. Stocks was appointed a corporate fellow in 1995.