2021 SCALE Users' Group Workshop
Wednesday - Friday, August 4-6, 2021
Presented Virtually from Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Event Contacts:
- Germina Ilas, ilasg@ornl.gov
- Will Wieselquist, wieselquistwa@ornl.gov
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Opening Session:
- Germina Ilas (ORNL) - Introductions
- Jeremy Busby (ORNL) - Welcome
Technical Session - SCALE 6.3.0 Highlights and Applications:
- Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - Overview of SCALE 6.3
- Andrew Holcomb (ORNL) - What's new in Nuclear Data for SCALE 6.3
- Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - SCALE New Documentation Strategy
- B.J. Marshall, Travis Greene (ORNL) - Status of Shift for NCS Applications in SCALE 6.3
- Steve Skutnik (ORNL) - Demonstration of New Interpolation/Archival Capabilities in SCALE 7
Tutorial Session:
- Rob Lefebvre (ORNL) - Frequent Fulcrum Functions: The Basics of SCALE's Graphical User Interface [supporting files]
Technical Session - Non-LWR Analysis with SCALE 6.3:
- Steve Skutnik (ORNL) - Pebble Fuel Source Term Generation
- Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - Activities in HALEU/HBU/ATF
- Kang Seog Kim, Dorothea Wiarda, Rike Bostelmann, Andrew Holcomb (ORNL) - Multigroup Cross Section Processing Capability of the SCALE-6.3 XSProc for Non-LWR Analysis
- Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - Non-LWR SCALE Activities
- Mathieu Dupont, Justin Clarity (ORNL) - Horizontal Split Table Conceptual Design for Validation of Nuclear Data used in Advanced Reactors
Technical Session - Best SCALE Model Contest:
- Rike Bostelmann (ORNL)
- Mathieu Dupont (ORNL)
- Cihangir Celik (ORNL) 2nd place
- Matt Jessee (ORNL)
- Mathieu Dupont (ORNL)
- Erik Walker (ORNL) 1st place
- Peter Wolniewicz (SKB AB) 3rd place
Technical Session - SCALE Validation:
- Zhian Li (NRC) - Code Validation - A Critical Step for Ensuring Criticality Safety
- Ahmed Sharma (NAGRA) - Predicting the Bias in Calculations of Spent Nuclear Fuel Characteristics
- Travis Greene, B.J. Marshall (ORNL) - SCALE Validation for Nuclear Criticality Safety
- Cihangir Celik, Mathieu Dupont, Douglas Peplow, Georgeta Radulescu (ORNL) - SCALE 6.2.4 Validation: Radiation Shielding
- Germina Ilas, Joseph Burns, Briana Hiscox, Ugur Mertyurk (ORNL) - SCALE 6.2.4 Validation: Reactor Physics
Tutorial Sessions:
- Ugur Mertyurek, Rike Bostelmann, Andrew Holcomb (ORNL) - Sensitivity Uncertainty Analysis of HALEU/HBU Fuel using SAMPLER [supporting files]
- Erik Walker, Alex Shaw (ORNL) - SCALE Modeling of the Fast Spectrum Heat Pipe Reactor [supporting files]
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Technical Session - Best Practices for SCALE Modeling & Simulation
- Justin Clarity (ORNL) - Using the "Inner" Array Boundary in KENO-VI
- Alex Shaw (ORNL) - Calculating the Effective Delayed Neutron Fraction (βeff) with the SCALE Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum
- Briana Hiscox, Benjamin Betzler (ORNL) - ORIGEN Reactor Libraries Generation
- Shane Hart (ORNL) - Building SCALE from Source
- Justin Clarity (ORNL) - Polaris depletion calculations using the UNF-ST&DARDS detailed analysis sequence
- Matt Jessee (ORNL) - LWR Activation Analysis with Polaris and TRITON
Tutorial Sessions:
- Matt Jessee, Ugur Mertyurek (ORNL) - Polaris Lattice Physics Modeling for ATF Designs [supporting files]
- Steve Skutnik, Rike Bostelmann, Cihangir Celik, Will Wieselquist (ORNL) - KENO-VI modeling of double heterogeneous reactor systems using TRISO fuel [supporting files]
Technical Session - How I use SCALE for my Work? (SCALE Open Mic)
- Jin Whan Bae (ORNL) - Solving Advection Problems with Isotopic Evolution with SCALE/ORIGEN
- Antonio Jimenez-Carrascosa (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) - Use of SCALE for the analysis of Sodium Fast Reactors
- Robert Kile (University of Tennessee)
- Josh Peterson-Droogh (INL)
- Lisa Reed (GA Tech)
Tutorial Sessions:
- Justin Clarity, Shane Hart, B.J. Marshall (ORNL) - Criticality Safety Validation using VADER
- Cihangir Celik, Steve Skutnik (ORNL) - Activation Analysis with ORIGEN/MAVRIC for Advanced Reactors [supporting files]
Friday, August 6, 2021
Tutorial Sessions:
- Dorothea Wiarda, Andrew Holcomb, Shane Hart, Rike Bostelmann (ORNL) - SCALE Utilities for Nuclear Data Integration, Comparison, and Visualization [supporting files]
- Germina Ilas, Joseph Burns (ORNL) - LWR Decay Heat Analysis with SCALE [supporting files]
- Steve Skutnik, Erik Walker, Rike Bostelmann (ORNL) - From SCALE to Source Term: Exporting SCALE Inventories to MELCOR [supporting files]