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Chemical Sciences Division

Discovery through inspired research

The Chemical Sciences Division performs discovery and use-inspired research to understand, predict, and control the physical processes and chemical transformations, relevant to energy technologies, over a broad range of length and time scales.

The foundation of the division is a strong Basic Energy Sciences (BES) portfolio focused on interfacial science that pushes the frontiers of catalysis, geosciences, separations, spatially and temporally resolved chemical imaging, energy storage, and polymer science. Neutron scattering studies are used to provide new insights into the structure and dynamics of materials and interfaces.

Theory is closely integrated with chemical synthesis and characterization to gain new insights into molecular processes with the ultimate goal of predictive insights. Applied research and technology naturally grow out of our fundamental studies.

The division is home to the Fluid Interface Reactions, Structures and Transport (FIRST) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) which is focused on developing a fundamental understanding and validated, predictive models of the unique nanoscale environment at the fluid-solid interface that will enable transformative advances in electrical energy storage and electrocatalysis.

The division also provides analytical and radiochemical support and leadership to many nuclear, isotope production, and national security programs through the Nuclear Analytical Chemistry section.


Chemical Transformations

This section performs research to understand and control chemical transformations at interfaces through design and synthesis of new materials and studying the reactivity of natural and synthetic systems.

Nuclear Analytical Chemistry

The section’s expertise is in the development and advancement of cutting-edge measurement methodologies for elemental and isotopic characterizations in environmental and nuclear matrices. 

Separations and Polymer Chemistry

This section aims to design and synthesize new functional materials for separations and other energy-related applications through understanding chemical and physical processes over a wide variety of length and timescales.

Roger Rousseau
Division Director