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Separations and Polymer Chemistry

The mission of Separations and Polymer Chemistry Section in the Chemical Sciences Division is to design and synthesize new functional materials for separations and other energy-related applications through understanding chemical and physical processes over a wide variety of length and timescales.

This section encompasses the following research groups:

Amit K. Naskar
GL-RPR Carbon & Composites

Carbon and Composites Group — Designs and develops new feedstocks and processes for carbon, polymer, and fiber reinforced composite material systems for a variety of applications including structural and multi-functional materials and materials for extreme environments.

Vyacheslav Bryantsev
GL-RPR Chemical Separations

Chemical Separations Group — Develops highly selective receptors, membranes, and processes for the recognition and separation of ions and solid phases from aqueous solutions through fundamental understanding molecular interactions.

Shannon Mark Mahurin
GL-RPR Nanomaterials Chemistry

Nanomaterials Chemistry Group — Design and synthesize functional nanostructured materials and task specific ionic liquids to gain a fundamental understanding to advance chemical separations, catalysis, and energy storage.

Alexei P. Sokolov
GL-RPR Soft Matter

Soft Matter Group — Develops fundamental understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena in soft matter, including synthetic and bio-polymers, polymer nanocomposites, and ionic liquids, and applies this knowledge to design of novel functional and adaptive materials.



SH-RPR Separations and Polymer Chemistry
Sheng Dai