The Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences (CSGB) program at ORNL focuses on world-leading discovery science to understand how functional architectures and local environments control selective chemical transformations and physical processes over multiple length and time scales in natural and synthetic systems.
These programs are all bound together by four synergistic research themes focused on chemistry at complex interfaces, reaction pathways in diverse environments, chemistry in aqueous environments, and ultrafast chemistry. Crosscutting themes focus on Solvation/local environment, molecular and ion transport, selectivity, and stimuli responsive. Cross-cutting tools include ultrafast and quantum spectroscopy, neutron scattering, integrated theory, modeling and simulation (high performance computing), precise organic and polymer synthesis and data science. The CSGB program is also a leader in the application of neutron scattering methods to scientific problems in geoscience, separations, catalysis, and interfacial science and contributes neutron scattering expertise to all four externally led EFRCs. The program also takes full advantage of user facilities at ORNL, including CNMS, SNS, HFIR, and the OLCF as well as resources at other user facilities (APS, NSLS-II, and LCLS). This section highlights the accomplishment of ORNL staff in the CSGB program.