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Harnessing the power of water is a practice that has been around for thousands of years, from the ancient Greeks’ use of waterwheels to grind wheat to today’s massive hydroelectric dams that supply power to millions of customers. 

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ORNL’s Urban Dynamics Institute is working with the city of Oak Ridge to develop a sensor network and web tool that will evaluate trends in urban activity and help cities plan their development more effectively.

The technology, called UrbanSense, shows how a community is being used, not just wher...

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Deep neural networks—a form of artificial intelligence used in everything from speech recognition to image identification to self-driving cars—have demonstrated mastery of tasks once thought uniquely human. Now, researchers are eager to apply this computational technique—commonly referred to as d...

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Deep neural networks—a form of artificial intelligence used in everything from speech recognition to image identification to self-driving cars—have demonstrated mastery of tasks once thought uniquely human. Now, researchers are eager to apply this computational technique—commonly referred to as d...

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“Emergence of AI is a very rare type of event,” said Sergei Kalinin, director of ORNL’s Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials. “Once in a generation there is a paradigm shift in science, and this is ours.”

Kalinin and his colleagues use machine learning to better understand the nature of ...

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It takes more than scientists to run a scientific institution, especially one like ORNL that operates reactors, accelerators and other highly specialized facilities.

Machinists, electricians, welders, mechanics and other craft and trade workers have been an indispensable part of the lab since Day...

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ORNL is proud of its role in fostering the next generation of scientists and engineers. We bring in talented young researchers, team them with accomplished scientists and engineers, and put them to work at the lab’s one-of-a-kind facilities. The result is research that makes us proud and prepares th...