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Although the neutron is a senior citizen of sorts, whose existence was predicted in 1920 and confirmed in 1932, it’s still not fully understood.

It was James Chadwick of Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory who, after nearly a decade of experimentation, devised a method to detect these particles, whi...

Pranab Roy Chowdhury

"Science enables me to comprehend the world around me!"

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Refrigerators using the magnetocaloric effect will be both greener and more energy efficient than conventional appliances.

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Researchers with the ORNL-based Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors have performed the first major computational simulation of the operation of a nuclear power reactor.

Using a software suite known as the Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications, or VERA, they modeled t...

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See also:

ORNL researchers go for a big impact
In praise of the power grid
Grad students create biotech company, continue research project


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Electricity powers our work and our lives, keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and drives the economy. The distribution of electric power around the world—electrification, as it’s called—is so important, it was named the greatest engineering achievement of the 20th century by the Nat...

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The Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy gives researchers an opportunity to pursue projects that have the potential to change the way we generate, store and use energy.

Established by 2007’s America COMPETES Act, the agency has invested in more than 400 projects across more than 20 pro...