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Oak Ridge has a unique relationship to the science of mercury contamination. In the 1950s and ’60s, the city’s Y-12 nuclear weapons plant released around 350,000 pounds of mercury into Upper East Fork Poplar Creek and other local waterways, making the region a de facto laboratory for mercury in the ...

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It produces more than 2 million billion neutrons each second through an area less than half the size of a dime, providing researchers with the Western world’s highest reactor-based neutron flux. Its neutron scattering stations allow scientists to better understand the structure and dynamics of matte...

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Frances H. Arnold is the Dickinson Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Biochemistry at the California Institute of Technology. She is a pioneer of “directed evolution,” which mimics Darwinian evolution in the laboratory to create new biological molecules. Her research is particula...

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The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment achieved its first self-sustaining nuclear reaction on June 1, 1965. Three years later, on Oct. 8, 1968, it became the first reactor ever to run on uranium-233.

MSRE was noteworthy in at least three respects. Beside running on U-233 and acting as an economic...

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Local Motors CEO Jay Rogers became the first person to drive the first 3-D printed car on September 13, 2014.

Built on site at the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago over the previous six days, the vehicle—known as a Strati—demonstrated the ability of a national laboratory to ...

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When the Brookings Institution decided to explore how national laboratories should approach economic development, their conversations naturally included Thom Mason and his staff at ORNL.

“Clearly, Oak Ridge is a preeminent innovation and tech development source,” said Mark Muro, senior fellow wit...

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1. Arcimoto

ORNL tech: AC-DC inverter, battery system charger and DC-DC inverter combine to make charging, storing and supplying electricity more efficient.

Product: Arcimoto 3-wheel electric vehicle (in development)

2. PerkinElmer

ORNL tech: Microfluidic Lab-on-a-chip

Product: La...