Environmental Science Division 2016 Awards
Lisa Sigler received the Administrative Support Award for her outstanding organizational, logistical, and administrative support to the Earth Sciences Group and Critical Interfaces Science Focus Area Project.
Jana Phillips received the Research Support Award for her exemplary research support in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem science.
Shovon Mandal received the Outstanding Post-Grad Researcher Award in recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions to the understanding of the linkages between biodiversity, sustainability, and productivity in aquatic ecosystems.
The Billion Ton team, consisting of Matt Langholtz, Laurence Eaton, Maggie Davis, Anthony Turhollow, Erin Webb, Rebecca Efroymson, Craig Brandt, Michael Hilliard, Aaron Myers, Tim Theiss, Shahab Sokhansanj, and Stacy Evans received the Science Serving Society Award for producing the outstanding scientific analyses in DOE’s Billion Ton 2016 Volume 1 report that are being used to guide our country’s development of strategies to achieve its goals for a robust bioeconomy. Pictured - Matthew Langholtz, Rebecca Efroymson, Stan Wullschleger, Maggie Davis and Craig Brandt.
Daniel Ricciuto received the Stanley I. Auerbach Award for advancing the knowledge of land ecosystem processes through model-data integration and uncertainty quantification.