Environmental Risk and Energy Analysis
Exploring the health, economic, and environmental dimensions of emerging energy resources
Often, multifaceted topics are analyzed from singular human health, environmental, economic, or societal perspectives. Reality is far more complex. Single-perspective analyses necessarily may ignore hugely important issues or repercussions. And, multiple single-perspective analyses cannot simply be added together. Impacts and implications emanate from, and also affect, ever-changing interacting systems. The Environmental Risk and Energy Analysis Group seeks to address complex science and technological topics from human health, environmental, economic, and societal perspectives. We develop foundational science and advanced analytics to inform health risk, economic, energy, and environmental protection decisions. Using advanced simulation and computational tools, researchers analyze the environmental, health, and economic dimensions of existing and emerging energy sources and technologies to support near and long-term natural resources preservation at regional, national, and global scales.
The group applies its expertise to assess the ability of scientific and technological advances to promote national health, economic, and environmental objectives safely over time. Researchers also assess and manage existing or evolving energy, environmental, and health impacts of extant technologies and help transition science and technological advances toward wider beneficial use.
Group expertise includes human health risk assessment, dosimetry and radiation protection, and toxicology (human, animal, and environmental); regulatory analysis; energy and economic modeling and analysis; novel technology modeling, assessment, analysis, evaluation, and deployment; environmental analysis; and social, institutional, and behavioral analysis. The Group’s work serves a mix of academic, governmental, and practitioner audiences.