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ORNL's Picture an Innovator

ORNL's Picture an Innovator series highlights nine prolific female innovators with granted patents or registered copyrights that are licensed to industry. Women inventors date back to the late 1700s: In 1793 Hannah Slater was the first woman to be awarded a U.S. patent for her new method of producing cotton sewing thread. Even though this was an exceptional accomplishment for her era, even in modern times women still comprise a small minority of patent inventors.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office reported in 2019 that only 12.8% of U.S. inventors receiving patents were women.  Similarly, U.S. female entrepreneurs struggle to gain support in innovation ecosystems with just 2.8% of venture capital investment in U.S. female-founded startups in 2019 (2019 TechCrunch Report). 

These ORNL women innovators provide our community with shining examples of how talented researchers spur innovation and drive ORNL’s technological impact. The ORNL Technology Transfer Office is excited to learn about your commercial interests and to partner to bring ORNL solutions to the marketplace. 

This series applauds Nancy Dudney, Olga Ovchinnikova, Marie Urban, Amy Elliott, Beth Armstrong, Huimin Luo, Christi Johnson, Amy Rose and Regina Ferrell.


Huimin Luo, ORNL Researcher

Ionic liquid as a lubricant additive for gear oil.

Huimin Luo

Huimin Luo is a senior research scientist in the Chemical Process Scale Up Group at ORNL. Her research program focuses on ionic liquids, organic synthesis, rare earth metals, fluorine chemistry and nuclear chemistry.  She is a Battelle Distinguished Inventor with patents covering technologies related to ionic liquid synthesis and applications, radioisotope separations, rare earth metal separations and ionic liquid-based lubricants.  Her research has shown that a certain class of ionic liquids are excellent in metal-ion separations that can be used in the recovery of critical materials and oil lubricants that can lead to make gears run more efficiently with less noise and better durability.  The ionic lubricant technology is licensed by industry to bring these innovative products to the market.


Lubricant Additive Improves Gear Performance

Transportation - Salting The Gears


Beth Armstrong, ORNL Researcher

Next generation batteries with superior performance and safety.  

Beth Armstrong

Beth Armstrong is recognized for sustained excellence in colloid science and synthesis advancements in batteries, coatings, catalysts, and fuel cells, and for innovative discoveries that can significantly impact the marketplace.  Her research at ORNL has led to innovations for alternative forming techniques for oxygen and NOx sensors, solid oxide fuel cells, gas separation devices, and corrosion resistant coatings.  The impact of her work has received various awards and honors in both the scientific societies and the technology transfer communities, including two R&D 100 Awards.  As a Battelle Distinguished Inventor, Armstrong holds several patent applications and patents with innovations licensed by industry to bring cutting edge solutions for energy storage.  


Batteries — Safer body armor

Batteries can’t catch fire


Amy Elliott, ORNL Group Leader and Researcher

3D Printing for Next Generation Applications

Amy Elliot

Amy Elliott is ORNL’s group leader for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, where she leads a multidisciplinary team to utilize intelligent automation to develop world-class manufacturing technologies.  Her research focuses on new approaches for 3D printing including inkjet-based metal and ceramic 3D printing and novel systems to additively manufacture objects in shapes and using materials that are typically a challenge to print. Elliott, who  holds several patents, partners with companies to bring these solutions to the marketplace under licenses to her patented technologies. 


ExOne Licenses ORNL's 3D Printing Lightweight Ceramic-Metals 2021

ExOne to Produce Ceramic-Metal AM Parts

ExOne licenses ORNL method to 3D printing for Neutron Scattering 2020

ExOne Licenses ORNL's 3D Printing Method 2019

Strangpresse Licenses ORNL's Additive Manufacturing IP

ORNL and Strangpressee Continue Partnership


Marie Urban, ORNL Researcher  

LandScan™ Global Population Datasets is a community standard for sustainable commercial development, environmental protection, disaster response and humanitarian relief.

Mary Urban

Marie Urban leads a multi-disciplinary research program within the Geospatial Science & Human Security Division and National Security Sciences Directorate to better understand human dynamics and how people occupy space through the development of building level activity models. This research resulted in the first global probabilistic learning system to report ambient building occupancy estimates. Early on and throughout her career here at ORNL, Marie has been involved in supporting research advancements within the LandScan program through data collection, spatial analysis and remote sensing to report for the world, “where are the people.” The  continuously updated system benefits emergency response initiatives and interacts with the research and user community in a decision and application support capacity. Her contribution to this innovation has led to 15 years of successful copyright and licensing of the LandScan data, which is now considered the industry standard.


2019 Federal Lab Consortium Technology Transfer Award

Oak Ridge’s Population Mapping Tool Sets the Standard

Licensing of ORNL's LandScan

LandScan site

LandScan for Educational Use and Academic Research


Olga Ovchinnikova, ORNL Researcher

Instruments for imaging the nanoscale.

Olga Ovchinnikova

Olga Ovchinnikova has been highly recognized for her advancements in imaging and microscopy through her investigations of the relationship between physical structure and chemical functionality at the nanoscale. Using advanced scanning probe and ion microscopy with mass spectrometry techniques, she explored the interplay between these chemical and physical functionalities to  provide new approaches for imaging instruments. More recently she has focused on incorporating high-performance computing and edge computing directly into streaming data pipelines for multimodal imaging and microscopy. Her innovations are found in multiple patents and commercial licenses to industry to bring these imaging techniques and instruments to the market.


Partnership for Multimodal Imaging


Nancy Dudney, Retired Corporate Fellow

Boosting batteries with innovative technologies.

Nancy Dudney

Nancy Dudney is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of energy storage. Her research has inspired major new areas of battery research and has led to development of commercial energy storage systems that have unprecedented safety, power density, and compact size. Dr. Dudney is most widely known for her leadership in the development of the lithium phosphorus oxynitride (lipon) solid-state electrolyte, which makes it possible to build thin-film batteries into integrated circuits on commercial fabrication lines. Just recently retired, she is an ORNL Corporate Fellow, a UT-Battelle Distinguished Inventor and holds 34 granted patents (a Battelle Distinguished Inventor), with intellectual property currently licensed to industry under 11 license agreements.


SPARKZ Inc. Licenses Battery Innovation

2021 FLC Award

Sold Power Inc. Licenses Battery Innovation



Director, Technology Transfer
Jennifer T Caldwell