Event Contacts | Brad Rearden, 865-574-6085; reardenb@ornl.gov |
Germina Ilas, 865-241-4672; ilasg@ornl.gov | |
Will Wieselquist, 865-574-0204; wieselquiswa@ornl.gov | |
Monday, August 27, 2018
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Topic | Speaker |
Emerging Initiatives in SCALE | Brad Rearden, ORNL |
SCALE Capabilities to Support NRC Licensing Review | Don Algama, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
NRC Advanced Reactor Licensing Activities | George Flanagan, ORNL |
Mutually Beneficial Developments in SCALE+CASL | Kevin Clarno, ORNL |
SCALE Support by the DOE/NNSA Nuclear Criticality Safety Program | Doug Bowen, ORNL |
Working Lunch Talk | Andy Worrall, ORNL |
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Advanced Reactor Modeling with SCALE
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Developments and Application of SCALE for MSR Analysis Modeling with TRITON | Ben Betzler, ORNL |
High-Fidelity MSR Modeling with VERA-MSR | Ben Collins, ORNL |
Confirmatory Analysis of NuScale’s Reactor Physics Design with Polaris/PARCS/PATHS | Andrew Bielen, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
Assessment of SCALE Capabilities for HTR Modeling and Simulation | Friederike Bostelmann, ORNL |
The AMPX/SCALE Capability with the AMPX 1597-g Library for Advanced Reactor Analysis | Kang Seog Kim, ORNL |
Applications of SCALE to Nuclear Safeguards and Security
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Uncertainty Analysis with SCALE/Sampler for Neutron Active Interrogation Calculations | Matt Jessee, ORNL |
3D Visualization in Fulcrum | Rob Lefebvre, ORNL |
Use of ORIGEN for Safeguards Application of the PROSPECT Antineutrino Experiment | Andrew Conant, Georgia Tech |
Use of ORIGAMI/ORIGEN for Spent Fuel Safeguards | Jianwei Hu, ORNL |
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
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LWR Modeling with SCALE
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TRITON/Shift Depletion Validation | Brian Ade, ORNL |
Andrew Ward, University of Michigan | |
Advanced BWR Criticality Safety with Quantified Uncertainty Using Various SCALE Modules | Dean Price, University of Illinois |
Using the Fission Source Mesh Tally to Validate KENO for Pin Power | Justin Clarity, ORNL |
Decommissioning, Disposal, and Spent Nuclear Fuel Burnup Credit
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A Summary of the Recent BWR BUC Project at ORNL | BJ Marshall, ORNL |
Validation of SCALE for BWR SNF | Ugur Mertyurek, ORNL |
Detailed SCALE Dose Rate Evaluations for a Consolidated Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility | Georgeta Radulescu, ORNL |
UNF-ST&DARDS: A Unique Tool for Spent Nuclear Fuel Characterization Using SCALE | Kaushik Banerjee, ORNL |
Working Lunch Talk | Brad Rearden, ORNL |
Reactor Safety Analysis with SCALE
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Reactor Safety Analysis with SCALE | Matthias Behler, GRS |
Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Feasibility Studies for HFIR Conversion to LEU U3Si2-Al Fuel | David Chandler, ORNL |
ENDF/B-VIII.0 Testing with AMPX, SCALE, and VALID | Andrew Holcomb, ORNL |
NCSU Activities on High Temperature Reactor Design Using SCALE | Paolo Balestra, NCSU |
Nodal Data Generation | Will Wieselquist, SCALE Director, ORNL |
Applications of SCALE for Nuclear Criticality Safety Practitioners
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Criticality Convergence Confusion | Dale Lancaster, NuclearConsultants.com |
Applications of SCALE for H-Canyon at the Savannah River Site | Joshua Butler, SRNS |
Analytical Geometry and Enriched Uranium Solutions in SCALE: Two H-Canyon Studies | Tracy Stover, SRNS |
The Use of SCALE in the Licensing and Inspection of NRC-Regulated Fuel Cycle Facilities | Jeremy Munson, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
Epithermal/Intermediate Spectrum Critical Experiment Using SPR/CS | Justin Clarity, ORNL |
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
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Integration of SCALE Capabilities for Multiphysics Analysis
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Secondary Neutron Source Modeling with SCALE and VERA | Andrew Godfrey, ORNL |
SCALE/FAST Coupling Status | Will Wieselquist, SCALE Director, ORNL |
Integration of Thermochimica with ORIGEN Using the ORIGEN-API | Bernard Fitzpatrick, UOIT |
Validation, Verification, and Uncertainty Quantification
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New SCALE Capability for Uncertainty Quantification of the Kinetic Parameters | Majdi Radaideh, University of Illinois |
Preliminary SCALE Results for the OECD/NEA Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling of SFRs | Friederike Bostelmann, ORNL |
ENDF/B-VIII Covariance Libraries | Vlad Sobes, ORNL |
Critical Experiment Correlations | BJ Marshall, ORNL |
Criticality Validation of SCALE 6.2 | Ellen Saylor, ORNL |
ORIGEN Activation Analysis of the Sile Experiment
Sampler Applied to Source Term Uncertainty
Using ORIGAMI for Detailed Spent Fuel Assembly Analysis in Safeguards Applications
Introduction to the Polaris Lattice Physics Code
MAVRIC Cask Analysis with ORIGEN Spent Fuel Sources
Linking External C++ or Fortran Software to the ORIGEN API
KENO-VI Modeling of Double Heterogeneous Reactor Systems Using TRISO Fuel
Generation of SCALE Multi-Group Fast Reactor Libraries with AMPX