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Leveraging Additive Manufacturing to Fabricate High Temperature Alloys With Co-Designed Mechanical Properties and Environment...

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Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
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A paradigm shift in the traditional sequential design approaches is critically essential to create application-specific hierarchical and multifunctional materials with superior long-term performance for next-generation energy technologies involving extreme environments. In the current work, we aim to leverage the flexibility and geometric/compositional complexity offered by additive manufacturing to demonstrate this new approach by codesigning a compositionally graded Ni-based alloy for molten salts\sCO2 heat exchangers to enable mitigation of environmental degradation of surfaces exposed to molten halide salts, while simultaneously suppressing the consequent deterioration in mechanical stability. Thermokinetic modeling describing the underlying physics of thermally- and environmentally induced spatiotemporal compositional and microstructural evolution will be employed to predict the parameter space of material deposition processes and precisely identify the required composition gradient. Preliminary corrosion and mechanical testing of the dual material demonstrated the potential of the material to replace existing solid solution strengthened materials for this application.