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Deuterium plasma induced preferential erosion in ultra-high temperature ceramics TiB2 and ZrB2

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Nuclear Fusion
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Steady-state deuterium plasma exposures were performed on ultra-high temperature ceramics titanium diboride (TiB2) and zirconium diboride (ZrB2) using the PISCES-RF linear plasma device (LPD) as early screening for first wall, plasma-facing applications. Deuterium plasma exposures were performed using 40 eV ion energies at 240, 525, and 800 °C sample temperatures and 90 eV ion energies at 240 °C sample temperatures to analyze TiB2 and ZrB2 surface morphology and chemistry evolution behavior. Post-plasma exposure chemistry characterization of the near surface (50 nm) region of the samples all show transition metal enrichment, indicating boron preferential erosion. Transition metal to boron fractions vary with plasma exposure temperature under the 40 eV ion energy; metal enrichment is maximized at 800 °C and then minimized at 525 °C. SEM micrographs of all plasma exposed sample surfaces show no significant or noticeable plasma induced damage from cracking or blistering.