Power Exhaust and Particle Control

The Power Exhaust and Particle Control Group (PEPC), part of the Burning Plasma Foundations Section, delivers power exhaust/particle control solutions and the accompanying physics basis required for compact fusion devices.
The group's aim is to accelerate the scientific basis for power exhaust and particle control systems in working fusion devices by combining pedestal-divertor plasma integration, optimization of divertor topology/geometry, and state-of-the-art PFC engineering through innovation and world-wide collaboration.
"The PEPC Group intends to provide Day-1 readiness for the next-generation of power exhaust and particle control systems needed for a fusion pilot plant."
PEPC is known for:
Synthetic edge diagnostics: We perform boundary plasma physics model validation incorporating novel diagnostic and data interpretation techniques integrated with synthetic diagnostics, all with a focus on fusion nuclear regimes.
Real-time, model-based control methods: To design and optimize PEPC solutions that integrate the plasma core with the edge, we develop and deploy time-dependent model-based control methods and robust sensors compatible within a nuclear environment.
Integrated PFC engineering science: By linking the needed boundary plasma physics with state-of-the-art engineering solutions, we provide prototype plasma-facing components (PFCs) for single and multi-effect testing on linear and toroidal confinement devices.