For far-reaching accomplishments on national security issues relating to nuclear weapons proliferation, security of nuclear materials, and counterterrorism.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For contributions to high-performance networking and multiple-sensor fusion and for developing a unifying theory of information fusion.
For fundamental investigations of the structure and dynamics of materials using X-ray diffraction, including pioneering nanosecond resolution X-ray studies and the development of three-dimensional X-ray structural microscopy with submicron resolution.
For the development of advanced X-ray focusing and microfocusing optics and three-dimensional X-ray microscopy, and for pioneering research on the atomic and mesoscale structure of materials.
For pioneering work on energy conservation, including development of energy demand models, data bases, and analyses of energy use trends, which has contributed to federal and state energy policies and programs and to demand-side planning by electric utilities.