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Image of Giuseppe Barca looking at two computer monitors, representing the team using Frontier to perform the first quantum chemistry calculations to exceed an exaflop.

Researchers led by the University of Melbourne, Australia, have been nominated for the Association for Computing Machinery’s 2024 Gordon Bell Prize in supercomputing for conducting a quantum molecular dynamics simulation 1,000 times greater in size and speed than any previous simulation of its kind.

Pictured is a 3D printer that creates objects using electron beam melting, looks like a glowing orb.

Researchers have developed and 3D printed the lightest crack-free alloy capable of operating without melting at temperatures above 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit, which could enable additively manufactured turbine blades to better handle extreme temperatures, reducing the carbon footprint of gas turbine engines such as those used in airplanes.

Pictured is the IMAGINE instrument at the High Flux Isotope Reactor

Biochemist David Baker — just announced as a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry — turned to the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for information he couldn’t get anywhere else. HFIR is the strongest reactor-based neutron source in the United States.  

Larry York is sitting in front of a computer screen showing an image of plant phenotyping

The Advanced Plant Phenotyping Laboratory at ORNL utilizes robotics, multi-modal imaging, and AI to enhance understanding of plant genetics and interactions with microbes. It aims to connect genes to traits for advancements in bioenergy, agriculture, and climate resilience. Senior scientist Larry York highlights the lab's capabilities and the insights from a new digital underground imaging system to improve biomass feedstocks for bioenergy and carbon storage.

ORNL’s Prasanna Balaprakash joined leading computing experts to provide insight into how supercomputing, AI and meteorology can work together to advance weather and climate research as part of a panel for the United States Senate.

Prasanna Balprakash, director of AI programs for ORNL, discussed advancing climate and weather research through high performance computing and artificial intelligence as part of a September 18 panel for the United States Senate. 

A new Global Biomass Resource Assessment developed by ORNL scientists gathered data from 55 countries, shaded in green, resulting in a first-of-its kind compilation of current and future sustainable biomass supply estimates around the world.

A new Global Biomass Resource Assessment developed by ORNL scientists gathered data from 55 countries resulting in a first-of-its kind compilation of current and future sustainable biomass supply estimates around the world. 

Karly Harrod

Karly Harrod, recipient of the Early Career Competition Laboratory Directed Research and Development award at ORNL, is focused on extracting disease data from reports. Passionate about global health, she looks forward to applying her expertise to climate data within the geospatial science and human security division.

Illustration of a hydrogen atom.

Scientists at ORNL used neutrons to end a decades-long debate about an enzyme cancer uses.

Through a new technical collaboration program, companies will be able to propose research projects that utilize the labs and expertise in ORNL’s Grid Research Integration and Deployment Center. Credit: Carlos Jones/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy

A new technical collaboration program at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory will help businesses develop and launch electric grid innovations. Sponsored by the Transformer Resilience and Advanced Components program in DOE’s Office of Electricity, the initiative will provide companies with access to national laboratory resources, enabling them to capture market opportunities. 

Daryl Yang standing on a bridge overlooking a pond covered in water lillies

Daryl Yang is coupling his science and engineering expertise to devise new ways to measure significant changes going on in the Arctic, a region that’s warming nearly four times faster than other parts of the planet. The remote sensing technologies and modeling tools he develops and leverages for the Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments in the Arctic project, or NGEE Arctic, help improve models of the ecosystem to better inform decision-making as the landscape changes.