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Former University of Tennessee football coach Phillip Fulmer praised UT-Battelle employees at Oak Ridge National Laboratory during a Leadership Givers Breakfast for contributing $858,000 to this year’s United Way campaign.
Fulmer, who is involved with several U...

Five more nature walks are scheduled this spring on the Department of Energy ‘s Oak Ridge Reservation.
They include a wildflower walk Saturday, April 15 and Sunday, April 23, a bird walk Saturday, April 29, frog calls and bat monitoring Friday, May 19 and a rept...

The recently discovered element 117 has been officially named "tennessine" in recognition of Tennessee’s contributions to its discovery, including the efforts of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory and its Tennessee collaborators at Vanderbilt University and the University of Tennessee.

UT-Battelle has announced a $150,000 gift toward construction of a new Peace Pavilion to house the International Friendship Bell located in Oak Ridge’s A.K. Bissell Park.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Director Thom Mason presented a check to Pat Postma and Alan T...

Earth Day 2016 is observed Friday, April 22 and the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory is hosting a number of programs and activities throughout the week to promote enhanced environmental quality through greater energy efficiency and clean energy,...

About 30 Austin-East High School students from Knoxville participated in the National “My Brother’s Keeper Day” at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
The goal of the White House initiative is designed to help boys and young men of color reach their full potential.

Oak Ridge dedicated the new Manhattan Project National Historical Park with Oak Ridge Mayor Warren Gooch proclaiming a new era of telling future generations the story of the city’s contributions to ending World War II.
“The Manhattan Project National Park has bee...

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. George Fisher told an Oak Ridge National Laboratory Veterans Day audience that Vietnam War veterans are finally gaining respect they deserve for their service in that war 50 years ago.
“Those thanks were not always very forthcoming and ...

The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory hopes to add a second target station at its Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in the next 10 years in order to enhance capabilities of in-depth studies of the molecular structure of materials.
Ken Herwig of O...

Award-winning author Richard Rhodes, who wrote the book “The Making of the Atomic Bomb,” told an Oak Ridge audience that despite new forms of clean energy being developed, coal is still the world’s primary producer of energy, listing several reasons.
“In a world...