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Honors and Awards

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1 - 10 of 349 Results

Portraits of Kowalski and Salonvaara side by side

Stephen Kowalski and Mikael Salonvaara received the Distinguished Service Award, which salutes members who have served the society with distinction in chapter, regional and society activities.

Wang, Cook and Uddin portraits side by side

Three transportation researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have been elevated to senior member grade of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE.

Kashif Nawaz standing in front of a two story brick building that houses active research

Kashif Nawaz, distinguished researcher and section head for Building Technologies Research at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has been named a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or ASME.

Matthew Loyd

ORNL’s Matthew Loyd will receive a Department of Energy Office of Science Early Career Research award. 

Ayana Ghosh

A research scientist with the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Ayana Ghosh was named the 2024 Early Discovery Award winner by the American Ceramic Society. The award recognizes an early career member of the organization who has contributed to basic science in the field of glass and ceramics.

Joshua New

ORNL’s Joshua New was named the 2024 Researcher of the Year by R&D World magazine as part of its R&D 100 Professional Award winners. 

Mohamad Zineddin

Mohamad Zineddin, a distinguished researcher in nuclear and radiological engineering, recently received the Roger Howsley Award for Excellence in Nuclear Security. 

Marine engineering group to award ORNL researchers for innovative welding software

ORNL researchers Zhili Feng and Jian Chen in the Materials Science and Technology Division at the ORNL, will receive the Elmer L. Hann Award at the Society of Naval Architects and Maritime Engineers Convention. This award honors their innovative work on a user-friendly software tool that can quickly analyze and determine the best order for performing welds on ship structures.

Alicia Manjón Sanz

Alicia Manjón Sanz, a neutron scattering scientist, has been selected to represent ORNL at the 21st Annual Meeting of Science and Technology in Society forum later this year in Kyoto.

A portrait of Larry Baylor

The award was given in “recognition of his lifelong leadership in fusion technology for plasma fueling systems in magnetically confined fusion systems.”