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ORNL is proud of its role in fostering the next generation of scientists and engineers. We bring in talented young researchers, team them with accomplished scientists and engineers, and put them to work at the lab's one-of-a-kind facilities. The result is research that makes us proud and prepar...

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Two-dimensional nanomaterials may be infinitesimally small, but they are a big deal for the chemists and materials scientists who trek to ORNL to study them. One such user is Shengxi Huang.

Huang is a doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working with Mildred Dresselhaus...

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Materials are identified by their properties, desirable or otherwise. Iron is strong, but it rusts. Plastics are versatile and useful but end up polluting the environment because they don’t easily decay.

Scientists and engineers improve materials by manipulating them to get just the right propert...

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Plant geneticist Gerald Tuskan is an ORNL corporate fellow and leader of the lab’s Plant Systems Biology Group. Using the computational muscle available at ORNL, Tuskan and his colleagues have resequenced about 1,000 genotypes of the fast-growing perennial poplar tree

Frances Arnold

Caltech chemical engineer Frances Arnold delivered the Eugene P. Wigner Distinguished Lecture in Science, Technology, and Policy at ORNL on Nov. 2, 2015.

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ORNL’s Molten Salt Reactor Experiment operated more than 13,000 hours during its four-year run in the mid- to late 1960s. A priority of long-serving lab director Alvin Weinberg, MSRE was noteworthy at least in part because it ran on fuel that circulated through the reactor rather than staying put in...

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A global agreement to phase down the use of potent greenhouse gas refrigerants and replace them with climate-friendly alternatives leaned on multiple ORNL studies. In a landmark decision, climate leaders from more than 190 countries agreed to amend the Montreal Protocol to discontinue producing a...