Yousub Lee R&D Staff, Metal Additive Manufacturing & Digital Manufacturing Contact 865.241.2647 | All Publications Mechanical and thermal behavior of additively manufactured Invar 36 using a laser hot wire hybrid DED process Integrated Top-Down Process and Voxel-Based Microstructure Modeling for Ti-6Al-4V in Laser Wire Direct Energy Deposition Process Controlling microstructure and B2 ordering kinetics in Fe–Al system through additive manufacturing... Strength-ductility synergy through microstructural and compositional heterogeneity in directed energy deposition additive manufacturing of face-centered cubic materials Influence of printing parameters on the mechanical behavior of 3D-printed SS316L parts manufactured using laser hot wire directed energy deposition Direct Visualization of Metal Sintering and Powder Bed Fusion of 316 Stainless Steel Powders via In Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy The potential of wire arc directed energy deposition Considering interplay between multiple physical phenomena to elucidate single crystal-like texture, phase transformations, and mechanical behavior of directed energy deposited SS316L Effect of additive and subtractive sequence on the distortion of cone-shaped part during hybrid direct energy deposition Wire directed energy deposition of steel-aluminum structures using cold metal transfer process Integrated Process and Materials Modeling for Development of Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Materials for Critical Appl... Investigating stainless steel/aluminum bimetallic structures fabricated by cold metal transfer (CMT)-based wire-arc directed energy deposition Review of in situ process monitoring for metal hybrid directed energy deposition... Prediction of residual strain/stress validated with neutron diffraction method for wire-feed hybrid additive/subtractive manufacturing Repairing High γ’ Hot Section Gas Turbine Components Using Advanced Manufacturing Prediction and understanding of non-linear distortion on large curved wall manufactured by wire-arc direct energy deposition IN-SITU MONITORING ASSISTED LARGE-SCALE ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF MILD STEEL AND 316L ALLOYS FOR NUCLEAR APPLICATION Operando neutron diffraction reveals mechanisms for controlled strain evolution in 3D printing Additive manufacturing as a processing route for steel-aluminum bimetallic structures Modelling of Microstructure Evolution in Wire-Based Laser Direct Energy Deposition with Ti-6Al-4V Statistical Estimation of Strain Using Spatial Correlation Functions Creep anisotropy modeling and uncertainty quantification of an additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy Blackbox optimization for approximating high-fidelity heat transfer calculations in metal additive manufacturing Nickel-based superalloy single crystals fabricated via electron beam melting Implementation of Disruptive Designs for Gas Turbine Components Utilizing Additive Manufacturing... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Google Scholar LinkedIn Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate Computational Sciences and Engineering Division Advanced Computing Methods for Physical Sciences Section Multiscale Materials Group User Facilities Manufacturing Demonstration Facility