Xiang (Frank) Chen R&D Staff Contact 865.574.5058 | chenx2@ornl.gov All Publications Determining reference standard strength for neutron-irradiated reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H by Bayesian method Report on Retrieval of the Reactor Pressure Vessel A-60 Surveillance Capsule from Palisades Nuclear Generating Station... Complexity of segregation behavior at localized deformation sites formed while in service in a 316 stainless steel baffle-former bolt Post-irradiation examination of Eurofer-97 steel irradiated to 20 dpa at 200–400°C in HFIR under the EUROfusion (ORNL-KIT) collaboration program Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Cast and Wrought CF8C-Plus Relevant to ASME Code Case Qualification In-service Oxidation and IASCC in High Fluence Baffle-Former Bolts Retrieved from a Westinghouse PWR... Summary of LWRS Research in Addressing RPV Research Gaps in NRC EMDA Report A macro-micro approach for identifying crystal plasticity parameters for necking and failure in nickel-based alloy haynes 282 Crystal plasticity modeling and analysis for the transition from intergranular to transgranular failure in nickel-based alloy Inconel 740H at elevated temperature Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir weld performed on neutron-irradiated 304L steel with helium... Irradiation creep measurement and microstructural analysis of chromium nitride–coated zirconium alloy using pressurized tub... Comprehensive Characterization of Helium-Induced Degradation of the Friction Stir Weld on Neutron-Irradiated 304L Stainless Steel Mechanical Properties of Neutron-Irradiated Zr-Alloy Weldments (Batch #2) Assessment of Different Approaches for Measuring Shear Fracture Appearance in Charpy Tests... Microstructural Characterizations of Two High Fluence Baffle-Former Bolts Retrieved from a Westinghouse Two-loop Downflow Type PWR LIGHT WATER REACTOR SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM MATERIALS RESEARCH PATHWAY FY 23 TECHNICAL PROGRAM PLAN Microstructure and in-service degradation of baffle former bolts – in-core components of light water reactors Post Irradiation Examination of Pressurized Water Reactor Stainless Steel Internal Components Replacement of Hydraulic Power Units in the Fracture Mechanics Laboratory of Oak Ridge National Laboratory... Predicting the creep-rupture lifetime of a cast austenitic stainless steel using Larson-Miller and Wilshire parametric approaches Influence of fatigue precracking and specimen size on Master Curve fracture toughness measurements of EUROFER97 and F82H steels LWRSP Materials Research Pathway FY 22 Technical Program Plan LIGHT WATER REACTOR SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM MATERIALS RESEARCH PATHWAY TECHNICAL PROGRAM PLAN Post-Irradiation Fracture Toughness Characterization of Generation II FeCrAl Alloys Second group of irradiation capsules: property data of irradiated welded stainless steel 347 and irradiated, welded, and hydrogen charged Zircaloy-4 for SHINE Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Google Scholar ORCID LinkedIn Automated Normalization Software for J-R Curve Analysis Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division Materials in Extremes Section Advanced Nuclear Materials Group