The Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (ORNL/KIT) collaboration focuses on research involving irradiation experiments and post-irradiation examinations (PIE) of isotopically modified Eurofer-97 steels for fusion reactor applications. This collaboration capitalizes on ORNL’s expertise in radiation effects on materials and its capabilities in irradiation and PIE. The research aims to qualify Fe-9Cr-based Eurofer-97 steel under simulated fusion conditions, which include high doses and high transmutation rates. A unique isotopic modification technique is utilized in the research, wherein high-transmutation isotopes such as Fe-54 and Ni-58 are alloyed into the Eurofer steel to align with the expected helium production rates in fusion reactor conditions. This report presents the results of post-irradiation mechanical testing activities for the EUROFER-97/2 specimens after irradiation to ~20 dpa at various irradiation temperatures. The irradiation doses and temperatures for the ES capsules ranged from 18.4–20.4 dpa and 202–256°C, respectively. The mechanical property datasets, obtained through baseline testing and PIE of the tensile and fracture specimens, include microhardness data from 93 irradiated and non-irradiated tensile specimens and 28 irradiated bend bar specimens, uniaxial tensile property data from 45 irradiated and non-irradiated tensile specimens, and fracture toughness data from the bend bar specimens. Further data analyses provide statistical information on the microhardness values and tensile properties, as well as the reference ductile-brittle transition temperature (T0) data.