Physical metallurgist with extensive background in phase equilibria, microstructure analysis (optical, SEM, TEM), diffusion, high-temperature mechanical properties and creep, and alloy design of advanced ferrous, nickel-base, titanium-base and intermetallic alloys.
Professional Experience
Distinguished R&D Staff: Alloy Behavior and Design Group, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Apr. 2023 - Present
Senior R&D Staff: Alloy Behavior and Design Group, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Jun. 2017 - Mar. 2023
R&D Staff: Alloy Behavior and Design Group, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Feb. 2013-May. 2017
Junior R&D Staff: Materials Processing Group, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Mar. 2009-Jan. 2013
Research Scientist: Alloying Behavior and Design Group, Materials Science and Technology Division (formerly Metals and Ceramics Division), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
Nov. 2007-Mar. 2009: Research Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Assigned to ORNL
Nov. 2003-Nov. 2007: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Assistant Professor and Research Staff: Department of Metallurgy and Ceramics Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Jun. 2001-Oct. 2004: Assistant Professor
Apr. 2001-May 2001: Research Scholar
Apr. 1999-Mar. 2001: JSPS Research Associate (M. Takeyama Supervisor)
2023 Engineering Materials Achievement Award (EMAA), ASM Award Program, ASM International: May 2023
2022 Core Values Teamwork Award, Materials Science and Technology Division, ORNL: January 2023
2019 MP Corrosion Innovation of the Year (NACE International), for FeCrAl Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding
2018 Research Accomplishment (UT-Battelle), ACMZ Cast Aluminum Alloys for automotive engine-offer remarkable levels of elevated-temperature mechanical properties, thermal properties, hot tear resistance, castability, and affordability for higher-efficiency automobiles.
2017 R&D 100 Awards (R&D Magazine, for ACMZ Cast Aluminum Alloys
2016 Significant Contribution (American Nuclear Society), for the paper, 'Current Status of FeCrAl Alloys as an Accident Tolerant Cladding Alloy Class for Commercial Light Water Reactors', ANS Winter Meeting November 2015
2015 MP Corrosion Innovation of the Year (NACE International), for the innovation, Alumina-Forming Austenitic Alloy Family
2011 Excellence in Technology Transfer (UT-Battelle), for development and licensing of AFA steels, a revolutionary new class of heat-resistant steels for higher-efficiency energy production and chemical process industry applications
2009 R&D 100 Award, for the development of the AFA family of stainless steels: November 2009
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Significant Event Award, for commercialization of alumina-forming, creep resistant austenitic stainless steels: May 2011
Members of research team recognized with Oak Ridge National Laboratory Significant Event Award, for discovery of alumina-forming, creep resistant austenitic stainless steels: March 2007
Best Poster Award, The 3rd International Symposium on Gamma Titanium Aluminides, TMS: March 2003
Best Poster Award, The 3rd International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics, TMS: May 2002
Doctoral Thesis Award, The Tejima Memorial Fellowship in Science: May 2000
Research Presentation Award, The Japan Society of Heat Treatment: December 1999
Ph. D., Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March 1999.
Dissertation: “A Kinetic Characteristics of Microstructure Evolution for Diffusion Induced Recrystallization in Cu(Ni) and Ni(Cu) Systems using Solid/Solid Diffusion Couple Technique.” (Adviser: M. Kajihara).
M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March 1996.
Thesis: “Effect of Misorientation Angle of [100] Twist Boundaries on the Kinetics of Diffusion Induced Grain Boundary Migration in Cu(Zn) System using Cu Bicrystals.” (Adviser: M. Kajihara (and T. Mori)).
B.S., Metallurgical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March 1994.
Professional Service
Active reviewer of professional material science journals
Materials Science and Engineering A (Elsevier)
Materials Letter (Elsevier)
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (TMS)
Professional Affiliations
Materials Research Society (MRS): 2000-present
The Mineral, Metal & Materials Society (TMS): 2002-present
The American Nuclear Society (ANS): 2010-present
The Japan Institute of Metals (JIM): 1995-2007
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ): 2001-present
Trademarks and Patents
Active Invention Disclosure
Y. Yamamoto, A. Nycz, “Modification of Maraging Steel Alloy Composition for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing”, submitted on Aug. 2021.
Y. Yamamoto, G. Muralidharan, M.P. Brady, “Cast Iron-Base, High-Strength, Oxidation-Resistant Alloy”, submitted on Oct. 2019.
1. A. Shyam, J.A. Hanes, A.S. Sabau, D. Shin, Y. Yamamoto, C.R. Glaspie, J.A. Conzales-Villarreal, Seyed Mirmiran, A.F. Rodriguez-Jasso, US Patent 11,242,587 B2 “Aluminum Alloy Compositions and Methods of Making and Using the Same”, Feb. 8, 2022.
2. Amit Shyam, Yukinori Yamamoto, Dongwon Shin, Shibayan Roy, James A. Haynes, Philip J. Maziasz, Adrian Sabau, Andres F. Rodriguez - Jasso, Jose A. Gonzalez - Villarreal, Jose Talamantes - Silva, Lin Zhang, Christopher R. Glaspie, Seyed Mirmiran, US Patent 11,220,729 B2 “Aluminum Alloy Compositions and Methods of Making and Using the Same”, Jan. 11, 2022.
3. Y. Yamamoto, B.A. Pint, M.P. Brady, US Patent 10,883,160 B2 “Corrosion and Creep Resistant High Cr FeCrAl Alloys”, Jan. 5, 2021.
4. M.P. Brady, Y. Yamamoto, G. Muralidharan, O. Rios, Gail M. Ludtka, Gerry M. Ludtka, D.Nicholson, US Patent 9,217,187 B2 “Magnetic Field Annealing For Improved Creep Resistance”, Dec. 22, 2015.
5. Y. Yamamoto, M.P. Brady, M. Govindarajan, US Patent 8,815,146 B2 “Alumina Forming Iron Base Superalloy”, Aug. 26, 2014.
6. M. Govindarajan, Y. Yamamoto, M.P. Brady, US Patent 8,431,072 B2 “Cast Alumina Forming Austenitic Stainless Steel”, April 30, 2013.
7. M.P. Brady, B.A. Pint, C.T. Liu, P.J. Maziasz, Y. Yamamoto, Z.P. Lu, US Patent 7,744,813 “Oxidation resistant high creep strength austenitic stainless steel”, June 29, 2010.
8. M.P. Brady, M.L. Santella, Y. Yamamoto, C.T. Liu, “US Patent 7,754,144 “High Nb, Ta, and Al creep- and oxidation-resistant austenitic stainless steel”, July 13, 2010.
9. Y. Yamamoto, M.L. Santella, M.P. Brady, P.J. Maziasz, and C.T. Liu, U.S. Patent No. 7,754,305 "High Mn austenitic stainless steel", July 13, 2010.