TS Byun
Distinguished R&D Staff and Group Leader, Radiation Effects and Microstructural Analysis
Dr. TS Byun is a distinguished R&D staff member in the Radiation Effects and Microstructural Analysis Group in the Materials Science and Technology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He received his Ph.D from the Department of Nuclear Engineering (Nuclear Materials) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 1992. He has worked for multiple research institutes in his career, including Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Department of Energy/Office of Basic Energy Sciences, and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. His research focuses on understanding of radiation effects in structural materials, deformation and fracture behavior of metals and ceramics, and thermomechanical processes for damage resistant materials.
Professional Experience:
- September 23, 2019 – Present: Distinguished R&D Staff, Radiation Effects and Microstructural Analysis, Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- October 2014 – September 2019: Chief Scientist, Reactor Materials and Mechanical Design, Nuclear Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- August 2014 – December 2019: DOE/Office of Science/Basic Energy Sciences, Co-PM for the Mechanical Behavior and Radiation Effects Program
- February 1999 – October 2014: Senior R&D Staff (final), Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- March 1992 – December 1998: Senior Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
- May 1993 – November 1993: Visiting Scientist, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory, Canada
- Ph.D.: Nuclear Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (1988-1992)
- M.S.: Nuclear Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (1986-1998)
- B.S.: Nuclear Engineering, Han Yang University, Seoul, Korea (1982-1986)