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Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Cast and Wrought CF8C-Plus Relevant to ASME Code Case Qualification

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Advances in Materials, Manufacturing, and Repair for Power Plants: Proceedings from the Tenth International Conference
Publication Date
Page Numbers
123 to 134
Publisher Location
Ohio, United States of America
Conference Name
10th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing & Repair for Power Plants
Conference Location
Bonita Springs, Florida, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
EPRI and ASM International
Conference Date

The mechanical behavior of a cast form of an advanced austenitic stainless steel, CF8C-Plus, is compared with that of its wrought equivalent in terms of both tensile and creep-rupture properties and estimated allowable stress values for pressurized service at temperatures up to about 850°C. A traditional Larson-Miller parametric model is used to analyze the creep-rupture data and to predict long-term lifetimes for comparison of the two alloy types. The cast CF8C-Plus exhibited lower yield and tensile strengths, but higher creep strength compared to its wrought counterpart. Two welding methods, shielded-metal-arc welding (SMAW) and gas-metal-arc welding, met the weld qualification acceptance criteria in ASME BPVC Section IX for the cast CF8C-Plus. However, for the wrought CF8C-Plus, while SMAW and gas-tungsten-arc welding passed the tensile acceptance criteria, they failed the side bend tests due to lack of fusion or weld metal discontinuities.