Tim Graening Seibert Staff Research Associate Contact 865.341.1599 | graeningt@ornl.gov All Publications A Brief Review of the Impact of Neutron Irradiation Damage in Tungsten and its Alloys Post-irradiation examination of Eurofer-97 steel irradiated to 20 dpa at 200–400°C in HFIR under the EUROfusion (ORNL-KIT) collaboration program NSUF BOILER Pre-Irradiation Characterization and High Flux Isotope Reactor Experiment Design Detecting Trace Boron Doped in Tungsten Plates Using ToF-SIMS, Raman, and SEM Microstructure and thermal stability of a structurally graded tungsten and reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel joint Nanostructured Alumina Forming Austenitic Alloy (NAFA) production using mechanical alloying and high-temperature consolidation Residual Stress Measurements of Cr-coated Cladding Progress on Design and Production of Oxide Dispersion–Strengthened Alumina-Forming Austenitic Alloys for Nuclear Applications AFC FY 2023 HFIR Irradiation Test Matrix – Supported by the Design of a Ring Specimen Irradiation Vehicle Mechanical properties of Zircaloy cladding tubes and contributions to M.E.T.A. mechanical property database Evaluation of Tungsten—Steel Solid-State Bonding: Options and the Role of CALPHAD to Screen Diffusion Bonding Interlayers Effects of Cr/Zircaloy-4 coating qualities for enhanced accident tolerant fuel cladding Microstructure and high temperature properties of tungsten processed via electron beam melting additive manufacturing A novel design of transitional layer structure between reduced activation ferritic martensitic steels and tungsten for plasma... Hydrogen effects on thermal diffusivity and electrical resistivity of zircaloy cladding The response of accident tolerant fuel cladding to LOCA burst testing: A comparative study of leading concepts Hydriding, Oxidation, and Ductility Evaluation of Cr-Coated Zircaloy-4 Tubing Burst and oxidation behavior of Cr-coated Zirlo during simulated LOCA testing Report summarizing demonstration of thermal conductivity measurement methods for coated zirconium cladding Benchmarking a 9Cr-2WVTa Reduced Activation Ferritic Martensitic Steel Fabricated via Additive Manufacturing STEM imaging of irradiation induced defects in Eurofer97 steel variants irradiated in the EUROfusion collaboration Insights from microstructure and mechanical property comparisons of three pilgered ferritic ODS tubes On the mechanical alloying of novel austenitic dual-precipitation strengthened steels Irradiation hardening and ductility loss of Eurofer97 steel variants after neutron irradiation to ITER-TBM relevant conditions Impact of Coating Defects on Performance of Coated Zirconium Cladding Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar LinkedIn Orcid ID Research Gate Profile Organizations Physical Sciences Directorate Materials Science and Technology Division Materials in Extremes Section Advanced Nuclear Materials Group