Mathew W Swinney R&D Associate Staff Member Contact 865.241.2896 | All Publications Survey of prospective techniques for molten salt reactor feed monitoring Interpolating Transported Flux Spectra from Monoenergetic Sources... Assessing the Consequences of Postclosure Criticality in Spent Nuclear Fuel OR22-Neuromorphic Rad Detector-PD3Ra Final Report Designing a Molten Salt Reactor Feed Monitoring System... Status of Multiphysics Modeling of Critical DPCs in a Geological Repository... A Parametric Study of Criticality in Dual-Purpose Canisters for Long-Term Disposal A multi-modal scanning system to digitize CBRNE emergency response scenes A Method for Semi-Automated Point Cloud to Watertight Mesh Conversion for Rapid MCNP Input file generation of Indoor Scenes The Sensitivity of Three Terrestrial Bacteria to a Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Multiphysics modeling of a critical dual-purpose canister in a saturated geological repository Validation of Thermohydraulic Simulations using RELAP for Critical Dual Purpose Canisters Methods for Estimating Dose from Galactic Cosmic Rays and Jovian Radiation Belts on Reduced-Order Monte Carlo Geometries Neutron Flux Distributions for ITER B1 Port Cell 16 Shielding Design Modeling Ionizing Radiation for Spaceflight Dynamic Radioisotope Power Systems Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses... Attribution of gamma-ray background collected by a mobile detector system to its surroundings using panoramic video Preliminary Validation of the Shift Monte Carlo Code for Fixed-Source Radiation Transport Problems Initial Neutronics and Thermal-Hydraulic Coupling for Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister... A Directional Detector Response Function for Anisotropic Detectors Understanding and quantifying the systematic effects of clutter within a radiation detection scene A Methodology for Determining the Concentration of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in an Urban Environment Initial Modeling of Urban Search Measurements Characterization of NORM in an Urban Environment using HPGe Measurements and MCNP6 Simulations... NORM Concentration Determination in Common Materials in an Urban Environment... Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Data, Criticality Safety, and Radiation Transport Section Radiation Transport Group