Radiation Transport
The Radiation Transport Group is part of the Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division within the Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Radiation Transport is responsible for the development and use of nuclear analysis methods for criticality safety and radiation protection and shielding applications.
Radiation Transport staff perform basic and applied R&D, using their analysis experience and expertise to provide problem-solving tools, technical solutions, and policy advice to the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, as well as other government and private organizations.
Develop, apply and deploy state-of-the-art modeling and simulation capabilities along with extensive expertise to solve challenging radiation transport problems across a wide range of applications.
Application-driven radiation transport capability development and deployment:
- Driven by challenging and significant applications
- Steered by applications and analysis experience
- Deployed and adapted across many applications areas
- Designed to scale from supercomputers to laptops
- V&V with physical and computational experiments
Major Sponsors:
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
DOE National Nuclear Security Administration
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
U.S. ITER & ITER International Organization
DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE Office of Fusion Energy Science