Simulations using the RELAP5-3D systems analysis code and STAR-CCM+, a high-fidelity CFD code, were performed on a model of a real-scale MPC-32 dual purpose canister undergoing a criticality event. These simulations were performed to provide code-to-code verification of the natural convection capabilities in RELAP5. The STAR-CCM+ simulations revealed various natural convection flow patterns that aided in the cooling of fission heat produced in the fuel rods in the canister. Negligible spatial temperature variations were observed across the canister in the STAR-CCM+ results, supporting the use of RELAP5 in predicting the sub-cooled regime. The surface-averaged rod temperature predicted by RELAP5 compared well with STAR-CCM+, verifying the predictive capability of RELAP5 for sub-cooled conditions.