Chris W Chapman R&D Associate Staff Member- Nuclear Data Contact 865.341.1563 | All Publications Quantifying the Impact of Isotopically Dependent Fuel TSLs on LCT Systems in VALID Investigating Hydrogen Thermal Scattering Law Data with Critical Benchmarks Impact of Light Water Covariance on Integral Benchmarks Neutronics Study of HTR-10: Impact of Graphite Porosity Representation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 TSLs Current Overview of Neutron Moderator Thermal Scattering Kernels for HALEU-Fueled Advanced Reactors Assessing criticality implications of porosity misrepresentation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 graphite TSLs and small angle neutron scattering in nuclear graphite Improvement of the SCALE-6.3/XSProc Pointwise Slowing-Down Capability with the Bound Thermal Scattering Data Including High F... STATUS REPORT OF JOINT RPI/ORNL NCSP TASK FOR THERMAL NEUTRON TOTAL CROSS SECTION MEASUREMENTS R-matrix Resolved Resonance Region Evaluation of 140,142Ce Advanced Modeling and Simulation Methods for Evaluation of Thermal Neutron Scattering Materials... 140,142Ce Neutron Cross Section Resolved Resonance Region Evaluation... Modernization efforts for the R-Matrix code SAMMY Total thermal neutron cross section measurements of hydrogen dense polymers from 0.0005–20 eV Total thermal neutron cross section measurements of yttrium hydride from 0.0005 - 3 eV Reactor Physics Considerations for Use of Yttrium Hydride Moderator Design of Temperature Dependent Critical Experiments with SPRF/CX... Thermal neutron scattering measurements and modeling of yttrium-hydrides for high temperature moderator applications Discovery of AMPX Thermal Scattering Law Processing Issue for Solid Moderators High Temperature Thermal Neutron Scattering Measurements and Evaluation of YHx for the Transformational Challenge Reactor Methodology for Generating Covariance Data of Thermal Neutron Scattering Cross Sections Thermal Neutron Scattering Evaluation of Yttrium Hydride - FY2020 Progress Thermal Neutron Scattering Measurements of YHx for the Transformational Challenge Reactor PROGRESS ON 140,142CE NEUTRON CROSS SECTION RESOLVED RESONANCE REGION EVALUATIONS Bayesian optimization of generalized data Workshop on Nuclear Data Needs for Nonproliferation Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Data, Criticality Safety, and Radiation Transport Section Nuclear Data Group SCALE